Reading Time: 5 minutes Protein is an essential macronutrient, meaning that our body needs it to function properly. Protein helps maintain muscle mass, which in turn helps regulate metabolism and maintains healthy bones. It also assists with the production of hormones and enzymes necessary for various bodily processes. The RDA (recommended dietary allowance) for protein intake is set at …
What is the Most Bioavailable Protein?
Reading Time: 5 minutes This is a question that has baffled nutritionists for decades, yet it is an important one for those seeking to increase the amount of lean muscle mass they are able to add to their physique. The concept behind “protein bioavailability” is that certain forms of protein have more ability to be absorbed into the body …
Nutella vs. Peanut Butter – Which is Better for Your Kids?
Reading Time: 6 minutes We all know we should be eating a balanced diet, but more kids are being eaten at fast food places, with no nutritional value to their food. Fast food places are notorious for not paying enough attention to nutrition and often don’t even have a nutritional guide on the menu, which is shocking. So, what …
Benefits of Leafy Green Vegetables
Reading Time: 4 minutes The importance of eating vegetables is very apparent to most people, but it is often forgotten. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us to consume processed foods that contain more chemicals and preservatives than our natural foods, but do those foods really provide more nutrients? These are the foods that are often forgotten about …
The Best Leafy Green Vegetables to Eat
Reading Time: 5 minutes The importance of eating vegetables is as great a mystery to most people, yet research has shown time again that vegetables are one of the most important parts of any balanced diet. The key benefits to the good health of eating a diet high in vegetables include lowering blood pressure, preventing heart disease, lowering the …
Starting With the Right Meat for Picky Eaters
Reading Time: 4 minutes When it comes to starting with the right meat for picky eaters, you’ll find that there are quite a few options available to you. Some parents don’t like to start with chicken, because they don’t think their children will be able to keep up with their eating and chewing needs. They can go with pork …
What Craving a Specific Food Means
Reading Time: 5 minutes There are millions of people who have to deal with cravings for food every day, some of them find it hard to stop their eating disorder due to the severity of the cravings and their fears of becoming physically dependent on the food they crave. Food cravings can be very manipulative and you have to …
What Does Gluten Cravings Mean?
Reading Time: 4 minutes Many times when you are craving various foods and feel extremely hungry, especially when you feel extremely thirsty and dehydrated, are really just thirst and craving foods. Make sure you keep a bottle of water in the car, or at the house. If you’re craving foods like ice cream, pizza, cookies, or chips, fill up …
4 Common Food Cravings
Reading Time: 5 minutes There are many reasons for common food cravings. The good news is that these are reasons you can change and have an easier time controlling your cravings. The first step you need to do is identify the reasons for your craving so that you can come up with a plan to get them under control.1 …
The Various Benefits of Meal Planning
Reading Time: 5 minutes Obesity is becoming a growing problem, particularly in Western countries where fast food and convenience foods are widely available.1 In these countries, the number of overweight people is rising and the cases of obesity in children are increasingly higher. Being overweight is not good for your health, and luckily, if you follow a healthy eating regime, …