In the bigger picture, there really isn’t that much difference between powerlifting and bodybuilding. They are both considered to be a sport that requires a lot of exercises, a lot of dedication, and a lot of effort. Bodybuilding is basically gaining muscle mass while powerlifting is all about sculpting your body and adding strength and symmetry. Both sports require you to perform many exercises that can be difficult, tedious, and boring, but powerlifting and bodybuilding are very different from each other. They are both competitive sports that require you to push yourself beyond what you think is possible.1
The differences between these two activities are quite vast in terms of how they function. Bodybuilding involves a lot more time in the gym with a personal trainer, participating in weight training, doing nutritional research, and much more. Powerlifters do not have to worry about all of this, as they train their muscles at the gym, lift weights, eat the proper diet, and focus on specific bodybuilding goals such as strength, symmetry, muscle gain, etc… Bodybuilding differs more in the types of exercises they can perform and how often they can work out.2
Although weight training is extremely effective when it comes to increasing muscle mass, many bodybuilders prefer to perform the same muscle group through various exercises in a variety of ways. For instance, bodybuilders can choose to perform leg curls using leg presses, squats, lunges, and calf raises, while powerlifters can do deadlifts, squats, bench presses, and other muscle groups through different exercises. These differences between bodybuilding and weight training are essential in making the choice between the two very clear.
What Are the Differences Between Powerlifting and Bodybuilding?
There are many differences between powerlifting and bodybuilding. Powerlifters tend to be much leaner, more proportioned, and generally more powerful than bodybuilders. Bodybuilders tend to be bulkier, with more proportioned builds and bigger muscles. Bodybuilding is competitively challenging and involves the use of heavyweight and often very large quantities of supplements. But even when you’re lean and mean, there are some important differences between powerlifting and bodybuilding.
Bodybuilders will supplement their diets with protein and carbohydrates in order to maximize their anabolic hormone production, and so will powerlifters. The reason for this is that bodybuilders need much more energy to exercise than do powerlifters, who will use protein as a source of energy because they don’t need as much of it. This can translate to weight gains over time, but it also means that powerlifters will have the most dramatic increases in muscle mass, while bodybuilders will generally just maintain their current size.
Another key difference is in the timing of when you lift. Powerlifters generally lift quickly, usually after exerting the most force, before their muscles have had a chance to repair themselves. Bodybuilders, by contrast, often lift very slowly, which can lead to severe muscle damage. In a powerlifting competition, the competitor who can lift the most weight and perform the most reps will be the winner.
What is Powerlifting?
What is powerlifting? Powerlifting is a competitive strength sport that essentially includes three attempts at the maximum weight on three exercises: deadlift, squat, and bench press. As in the sport of Olympic weightlifting, it also involves an athlete trying a maximum single-arm weight lifted by a fixed barbell loaded using weight plates.3
Weight lifters or powerlifters are defined as athletes who lift weights purposely to enhance their athletic performance in particular sports. The weight lifting industry refers to powerlifters as” Elite” or “Performance” lifters, but the majority of powerlifters are not engaged in sport-specific powerlifting. Powerlifters generally train independently or in a gym with the assistance of a professional trainer.4 When a lifter trains alone, he or she trains progressively on a variety of exercises until he or she is strong enough to start working with a group of professionals or a national powerlifting team.5
Powerlifting is not a sport for the weak, but it is far from weak. In the world of powerlifting, there are three phases: the start phase, the catch phrase, and the recovery phase. At the start of a lift, an athlete concentrates on building maximal strength through the use of free weights and other supporting equipment such as bars, blocks, or even a chin-up bar. At the catchphrase, the lifter uses power movements and heavy loads to help increase his or her height and muscle mass. Finally, at the recovery phase, the lifter uses lighter loads and cool down to reduce his or her body fat percentage and allow muscle strength to slowly recover.6
Benefits of Powerlifting
The benefits of powerlifting are many, and there are many reasons why a person would want to take up powerlifting and begin training. Powerlifting is not just about tossing around heavyweights on a daily basis, it’s an art form and is an extremely respected physical fitness field in the health and strength industry. Here is a closer look at what powerlifting is and at some of its benefits. Powerlifting is the combination of three of the most important exercises in bodybuilding, which are: Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift. There are several benefits to these three exercises when combined into a powerlifting workout, and I will explain some of them here.7
Firstly, powerlifters will get stronger very quickly. Bodybuilders and weightlifters, in general, will get stronger very quickly because their bodies have a greater amount of lean muscle mass and increased oxygenated blood flowing to them. Because of this increased strength, powerlifters will be able to lift more weight, and they will be able to lift it for longer periods of time than a beginner.8 Because they will be able to lift more weight with each repetition, powerlifters and other weightlifting athletes will also be able to achieve greater muscle density and increase their muscle mass much faster than someone who is not involved in any type of weightlifting. Also, because powerlifters generally use fewer reps and use explosive motion during their workouts, they will burn more calories and build a lot more lean muscle tissue.
Another benefit of powerlifting is the competition factor. When you step into a powerlifting gym you will be able to see others powerlifting and doing the same thing as you. Because the bar moves so quickly in powerlifting when people see you they will be able to figure out what technique you are using and try to imitate you. You will also be able to see all the other people doing it and see how to be even more efficient. If you are new to the sport, or if you are trying it for the first time, there are some things that you can do to help you improve as a powerlifter.9 The most important thing is just to put forth the effort and do your best every single time.
Bodybuilding Basics – Gain Great Physique and Strength
What is bodybuilding? It is an exercise and fitness program, which is basically the building or acquiring of muscle mass and the reduction of body fat through exercise and also the repair of muscle damage done by bodybuilding workouts. Bodybuilding Basics will show you some important bodybuilding facts that will help you achieve your fitness goals.
Basics will reveal to you that bodybuilding is not merely about how many times you lift weights, but more about the intensity of the exercise itself. In actual fact, bodybuilding workouts do not require you to lift heavy weights, but the purpose of it is to create more muscular strength within the body as well as to create a body that is leaner, toned, and strong. The main goal of bodybuilding training using weights is to develop power, endurance, and muscle strength.10 There are many different kinds of bodybuilding workouts, but for one to achieve his or her fitness goals, powerlifting is considered to be a great way to go.
If you are not ready to start working out with weights right away, you can first start out by doing cardio workouts and bodybuilding stretches. After a few weeks, you can then add weights to your routines. If you are looking for ways on how to build a better physique and gain more strength, you should consider bodybuilding training using weights.11
The Benefits of Bodybuilding – Physical and Mental
If you’ve been lifting for a while or are just starting out with weightlifting, you’re probably curious about all the benefits of bodybuilding. To find out what you should know about the mental and physical benefits of exercise, particularly weight lifting, read on. While bodybuilding can give you huge benefits, it is also extremely physically demanding. In fact, you’ll probably need some serious help if you want to get more serious about bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is great for improving your fitness and helping you tone up, but it’s also pretty mentally challenging.
Many bodybuilding benefits are actually directly related to your functional fitness, which is basically how strong you are and how versatile you are in carrying out your tasks. Basically, functional fitness is how strong you are at doing the things that you need to do in order to survive, such as walking to the store or even climbing stairs. But functional fitness doesn’t just mean strength; it means all of the muscle groups that make up your body. When you’re lifting weights, all those muscles work together in order to do the lifts you need to do.
Another one of the big bodybuilding benefits is your cardio. Cardio can be a fantastic benefit of weight training because it can improve your fitness and strengthen you at the same time. And when you combine cardio benefits with strength training benefits, you gain even more of a fitness advantage. Strengthening and toning your muscles also makes your body more resistant to injury and the build-up of lactic acid in your muscles helps you avoid pain after working out. So really, the benefits of bodybuilding aren’t purely physical, they’re also mental and functional.
3 Differences Between Bodybuilding and Powerlifting
There are three differences between bodybuilding and powerlifting. Most powerlifters and bodybuilders have a problem controlling their bodies during competition time, even if they know what they should be doing. Bodybuilding powerlifters can compete at the level they are currently at, but powerlifters who are just beginning are usually in this stage for a long time. Bodybuilding and powerlifting can have similarities, but there are three major differences that separate these two sports.12
- First, bodybuilding utilizes a much heavier load than powerlifting. Bodybuilders can’t lift much more weight than powerlifters, and some of this weight is dedicated to their back, for instance. Bodybuilding can also use bigger muscle groups, and these muscle groups are usually split up into smaller lifts. Powerlifters only lift a few lifts for each muscle group, and these lifts are usually very quick and concentrated. This concentration leads to sore muscles very quickly and often results in sub-par muscle gains over the course of two weeks.
- Second, bodybuilding uses isolation exercises, whereas powerlifters use sets or compound movements. Most bodybuilders work on isolating muscles and lifting high weights with low rest periods. Compound movements allow many joints to stabilize the weights, which allows for more power and explosiveness. The greatest difference between these two sports is the amount of time each athlete spends in the gym per workout. Powerlifters usually train several times a week and spend the majority of their training time in the gym.
- Third, bodybuilding involves high repetition workouts. Most powerlifters focus on low repetition workouts because they need to keep muscle hypertrophy while limiting muscular atrophy, which often leads to eventual failure. Bodybuilding allows bodybuilders to lift heavy weights with low repetitions for increased muscle density. Most bodybuilders train very few times per week compared to powerlifters who train several times a week for maximum gains in muscle mass.
So which one is better? The answer is that bodybuilding is simply a longer and more thorough workout with much more focus on stimulating muscle growth and maintaining muscle fitness than powerlifting.13 If you want to maximize your gains in weight and muscle size you should definitely consider bodybuilding or powerlifting as an option. It just makes sense. Both sports provide tremendous benefits to the individual who performs them.
Image Credits
Barbell Pursuits / 2021
The Strength Fortress / 2021
T-Nation / November 9, 2017
Slideshare / MArch 30, 2018
1 “Powerlifting vs. Bodybuilding: Differences, Pros, and Cons – Healthline.” 11 Feb. 2021, Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
2 “Bodybuilding Versus Powerlifting Programs: Three Big Differences ….” 20 Nov. 2019, Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
3 “USA Powerlifting – America’s Choice for Drug-free Strength Sport.” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
4 “Powerlifting, The Beginner’s Guide | Men’s Journal.” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
5 “Powerlifting – BarBend.” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
6 “How To Start Powerlifting | Coach.” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
7 “Benefits Of Powerlifting And Why You Should Do It – Gunsmith Fitness.” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
8 “Benefits Of Powerlifting |” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
9 “Benefits Of Powerlifting For Your Overall Health | Healthsoul.” 24 Dec. 2020, Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
10 “Benefits Of Bodybuilding, As Reported By Bodybuilders – OutwitTrade.” 24 Apr. 2020, Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
11 “Benefits of Bodybuilding – Gaining Strength.” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
12 “8 Differences Between Powerlifting VS Bodybuilding |” Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.
13 “Bodybuilding vs. Powerlifting vs. Weightlifting | Shape.” 13 Apr. 2020, Accessed 1 Jul. 2021.