This article will talk about the importance of dark chocolate for health and weight loss. We are always being told by the media that we need to consume more protein to help build muscle, burn fat and help control our body weight. These types of foods are: dairy products, white meat (shoulder steak, etc), red meat (cold cut, etc), fish (oilfish, etc.) And now, let’s talk about the chocolate that we often eat, but do we know the health benefits?
Dark chocolate has many health benefits such as the fact that it contains a large number of healthy fats and protein. Many protein bars claim that they have high amounts of protein, but what is really the importance of dark chocolate for health? This type of protein is found in high quantities in fish and nuts, and even low amounts can be found in dairy products such as cheese and milk. So the best way to consume these types of protein is to replace them with nuts and fish. And another interesting thing about protein bars is that they contain carbohydrates which will convert into sugar when eaten, therefore you should avoid protein bars with a lot of carbohydrates if you want to lose weight and lower your blood sugar levels.
In fact, studies have shown that dark chocolate has similar effects on the brain as prescription drugs such as Adderall. One of the reasons why this is so important is because prescription drugs often can’t get through the wired system in the brain and get to the places that they actually need to go, such as the muscles and the nerves. However, with chocolate, it can easily get into the system and get to the muscles, allowing the person to feel better than they normally do. Also, dark chocolate can boost brain function, and it also contains compounds that are similar to other neurotransmitters such as those found in the brain and the nervous system.
Dark Chocolate in Protein Bars
Are you aware that dark chocolate is one of the healthiest food items that you can consume when it comes to providing your body with essential nutrients? Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that helps to protect the body against free radicals and other toxins that are released into the air when you cook. The other health benefit of this chocolate is that it helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer, which makes it a great addition to your protein bars with dark chocolate intake. In fact, there are many people who actually prefer dark chocolate over any other type of protein bar.
Even if you do not like dark chocolate, you will still find chocolate on most protein bars nowadays. If you are looking to eat chocolate, you need to look for protein bars with high cocoa content. High cocoa content means that the chocolate in the protein bar contains more antioxidants compared to the other bars. The higher amount of antioxidants is what helps to protect the body against harmful toxins.1 As a result, you are able to enjoy dark chocolate without worrying about the harm that it may cause to your health. Dark chocolate is great with all kinds of protein bars and other health food supplements because it provides an essential source of amino acids that help you to repair and build muscles.
There are many people who prefer dark chocolate over almost any other type of protein bar. Some people even prefer it over their regular milk chocolate intake. A lot of people choose dark chocolate over white chocolate because of its health benefits. If you want to have an extra boost of energy, you can simply take a small piece of dark chocolate with your protein bars. This is how you get the added energy that you need to get through the day.
What Are the Health Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate?
Why is dark chocolate so good for you? People have often asked that question because they have heard that it is loaded with nutrients, particularly vitamins A, D, and E. Dark chocolate, unlike milk or white, contains a bitter-tasting phenol called tryptophan which has been associated with reduced risks of heart disease, cancer, and stroke. It has been seen that tryptophan reduces blood pressure and increases the synthesis of serotonin. Tryptophan has been linked to increased production of vitamin B-12 and an increased rate of metabolism. There is also evidence that tryptophan helps increase the production and release of energy from food.2
Apart from these benefits, there are other nutrients in dark chocolate that are equally beneficial. One is selenium which is found in trace amounts in dairy products, vegetables, and nuts and helps protect the body against Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer. Selenium also helps protect against Parkinson’s disease, another disease found in elderly people. Flavonoids, another group of antioxidants, is also present in small amounts in dark chocolate. Flavonoids have been linked to reduced risks of type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer, and gallstone formation, and to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.3
Dark chocolate has a reputation for being delicious but it does not necessarily deliver all of its health benefits. It can contain amounts of fat and calories that make it unpalatable. The health benefits of dark chocolate do not come from the fat and calories but from the nutrients found in cocoa, which makes it different from other forms of sweetening.
Nutrients Found in Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is an excellent choice for filling your sweet tooth with nutrients because it’s packed with essential nutrients, which make it a good weight loss and anti-aging food. In this short article, we’ll share a few of the scientific-backed advantages of eating dark chocolates on a regular basis. What you might not know is that dark chocolate contains more nutrients than your average serving of nuts or seeds, so by including this delicious treat in your diet you can increase your nutritional intake without increasing the complexity of your meal planning. If you are having trouble losing weight, and you’re eating mostly processed foods, adding more dark chocolate to your diet may be just what you need to improve your health and lose weight in a healthy way. If you like to eat dark chocolate because it tastes great, but also because it has some health benefits, then now’s the time to add it to your nutrition plan.4
One of the most popular claims about dark chocolate is that it’s good for your heart. While scientists have been studying the benefits of this tasty treat for years, they’ve come up with conflicting results. On one hand, it appears that the natural antioxidants found in the cocoa beans that make up this delicious treat are good for your heart. Other studies seem to suggest that the saturated fat in milk chocolate is beneficial to cardiovascular health, while other studies seem to dispute this. There’s no one fact that proves the pros and cons of dark chocolate for your heart, but the consensus seems to be that milk is okay, and sugar is bad.
Another claim that many people make about dark chocolate is that it helps lower blood pressure. While there is certainly some evidence that this candy is effective in lowering blood pressure in moderation, it doesn’t seem to be effective enough to make it a top choice when it comes to lowering hypertension. As with the studies concerning the heart, there simply isn’t enough evidence to indicate that dark chocolate has any real health benefits that you should rely on. These health benefits seem to be a result of the natural antioxidants found in the cocoa bean, which have been shown to aid the prevention of cataracts and age-related eye problems. For others, these antioxidants might actually prove to be more helpful than any other source of help.
Is There Magnesium in Dark Chocolate?
In recent times, magnesium has emerged as a magical power to fight against obesity and many other health-related problems. This magical property of Magnesium was discovered over a hundred years ago when a Swiss scientist experimented with the mineral magnesium. He was the one who came up with the idea that Magnesium and dark chocolate have a great relation. As per the reports and researches, the relationship between dark chocolate and magnesium is quite strong.
According to the research and studies, the average content of magnesium solids in dark chocolate is around 0.6 percent which is quite low when compared to that found in other kinds of cocoa. Moreover, the report also says that it is the type of cocoa in a bar that gives the best level of magnesium. How much magnesium is present in Dark Chocolate?5
Amount of Magnesium in dark chocolate and manganese: Both the above two items are quite similar in terms of the content of magnesium but when it comes to the level of magnesium present in them, manganese scores ahead. Whereas the content of Magnesium is quite low when compared to other types of cocoa, this difference can be chalked up to the fact that dark chocolate contains much more caffeine than the others. Moreover, when compared to other sources like vegetables and fruits, the content of Magnesium is quite high and the reason for this is obvious – the body requires a lot of Magnesium and caffeine to perform at its optimal level. Therefore, if you want to lose weight and stay fit, consuming Magnesium-rich dark chocolate along with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet will do the magic. If you are wondering whether there are any harmful effects of consuming this kind of chocolate, you must know that the answer to this question is – yes.
What Are The Benefits Of Magnesium?
Magnesium is an important trace mineral that helps make the most of your brain function and provides you with a good night’s sleep. Magnesium has been shown to relieve insomnia and some of the signs of aging. Studies show that people who get plenty of restful sleep get more done during the day and are better able to concentrate. Magnesium also helps to lower blood pressure and improve reaction times. In addition, research shows that individuals who have regular bedtimes and get plenty of exercise find it easier to fall asleep at night and get up in the morning feeling refreshed and energetic.
Magnesium benefits go beyond helping with insomnia. Magnesium also helps reduce fatigue, drowsiness caused by lack of sleep, and moodiness associated with depression and anxiety. Research even suggests that taking adequate amounts of Melatonin could be beneficial. Magnesium has been shown to help increase the production of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter. Serotonin helps us feel calm and relaxed and possibly even more awake after a good night’s sleep. Some studies even suggest that Magnesium can help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and possibly other forms of dementia.
Other ailments that Magnesium may help to treat include depression, asthma, chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, obesity, heart problems, high blood pressure, nausea, osteoporosis, Raynaud’s syndrome, and renal disorders. While the above-mentioned conditions are only a few of the conditions Magnesium has been proven to help, research shows that Magnesium does have benefits to individuals suffering from insomnia. For many people, insufficient sleep can lead to further health complications, such as depression and anxiety. If you suffer from any of these conditions, it may be time to talk to your doctor about Magnesium supplements.6
Is Iron in Dark Chocolate?
Iron is an essential element that is needed by the body to carry out all the important biochemical activities. It is also needed for cell division and growth and repair of tissues and organs. Dark chocolate has flavonoids, a substance that is known to protect the cells against free radicals, which in turn can lead to aging, cancer, and heart disease. The presence of flavonoids in dark chocolate prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is a substance that can clog the blood vessels and increase the risk of a heart attack.
Flavonoids found in dark chocolate act as antioxidants that can reduce LDL cholesterol which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Flavonoids are also known to protect against blood clotting. The presence of iron in chocolate improves blood flow, which improves cardiovascular health and can lower LDL cholesterol. Therefore, eating dark chocolate can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Another benefit of chocolate is that it contains a high percentage of vitamin C, and this vitamin can reduce the damage caused by inflammation. Inflammation is the first stage of acne formation, and eating chocolates can keep acne at bay because acne formation is related to the state of inflammation in the body. Acne formation happens when the pores of the skin get blocked due to dirt or oil. Vitamins A, C, E, and K present in dark chocolate help the body fight against inflammation. However, these vitamins are difficult to digest and therefore have to come in the form of supplements, which is not a healthy option for most vegans.
What Are the Health Benefits of Iron Found in Dark Chocolate?
What are the health benefits of iron? For starters, it is an excellent source of folic acid, another of the many health benefits of iron. Folic acid is known to reduce the risks of several defects such as heart disease, as well as just having a good overall effect on women’s health overall. It is also important to note that iron may also reduce the risks of some cancers and blood clots. The iron benefits of iron also extend to the circulatory system as well.7
Dark chocolate is full of other health benefits of iron, too. One of them is the fact that it contains plenty of flavonoids. Flavonoids are antioxidants that are well-known for helping to protect the body against cancer-causing free radicals. It also contains a chemical called paraxanthine, which prevents premature aging. If you eat dark chocolate as a daily treat, you will definitely reap the benefits of iron found in dark chocolate.
Image Credits
Nupo / Google Stock Images
Cheapism / Google Stock Images
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Center for Vein Adjustment / Google Stock Images
Health Fitness Revolution / Google Stock Images
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1 “Antioxidants: Health benefits and nutritional information.” 29 May. 2018, Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.
2 “L-TRYPTOPHAN: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions – WebMD.” Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.
3 “Flavonoids: an overview – NCBI.” Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.
4 “7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate – Healthline.” Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.
5 “10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Magnesium – Healthline.” 3 Sep. 2018, Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.
6 “Magnesium Supplements: Benefits, Deficiency, Dosage, Effects.” 8 Sep. 2020, Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.
7 “Dark chocolate: Health benefits, nutrition, and how much to eat.” Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.