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Low-Carb Meal Planning challenges your creative muscles to the max. By being able to use creative and resourceful eating to create a low-carb, high-protein meal, you are taking the guesswork out of meal planning and creating low carb, high protein eating habits that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
The challenge is in planning and creating tasty, delicious, low-carb meals that do not lead to net carbs.1 The concept of net carbs comes from the foods we eat that are rich in carbs but also contain very little nutritious content. You will learn about the difference between “net” carbs and “net” calorie content and how to effectively use food groups to your advantage for successful meal planning and creating low-carb meal goals and plans.2
For example, when calculating your Low-Carb intake based on the calories you burn through your normal daily activities, you may have to lower the number of calories you are eating and increase your carbs intake for losing weight. If you do this successfully, your body will begin to burn its own fat for energy instead of the carbohydrates you are consuming. So if you do not eat enough calories, then your body will start to consume the excess calories as fat to make up for the lack of necessary proteins and other nutrients. It can be tricky, but by taking into account the number of calories you are consuming and changing how you eat, you can successfully use the Low-Carb diet to shed pounds and keep them off.
What is a Low Carb Diet?
There are many diets out there, but what is a low-carb diet? In essence, it is a diet that restricts or eliminates carbohydrates from the diet – bread, pasta, rice, etc. If you are looking to lose weight, one of the most popular diets is the Atkins or South Beach diets. These diets work for many people, but many people experience side effects that can be dangerous to their health.3
A low-carb diet consists of meals with lower carbohydrates and an emphasis on healthy fats, clean protein, and plenty of fresh, low-sugared fruits and vegetables. While not quite as restrictive as a low-fat diet, such as the Atkins diet, such a diet eliminates refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, etc.) and replaces them with healthy carbs (i.e., veggies and unrefined carbs). While this may sound good in theory, people who have been on such diets report feeling hungry more often and not being able to stick to the diet long-term. This is because their bodies do not get enough carbs and/or protein to function normally.
If you are considering going on a low-carb diet, make sure to read up on how many carbs you should be eating on a daily basis to keep your calorie intake low and maximize your metabolism. A good rule of thumb is to take in about 50% of your daily calories in the form of carbs each day. Be sure to drink enough water so you stay hydrated throughout the day. Remember to drink more water when you start planning your meals because your body will use up some of the stored carbs when it attempts to digest the extra calories you are taking in. Also, be sure to eat several small meals throughout the day rather than the traditional three large meals most people are used to.
The Benefits of a Low Carb Diet Plan
By now, most people who are on low-carb diets are well aware of the many great benefits they have as a result. But there is one more benefit that low carb diets have that many people overlook, and that is the benefit of weight loss.4
Another great benefit of low-carbohydrate diets is that they are extremely effective in helping to control your blood sugar levels. The biggest reason for this is that when your body is processing the food that you consume, your insulin increases. When your insulin levels are high, your blood sugar level increases. Since your blood sugar level determines the number of calories you will burn during the day (and thus how much weight you will lose), eating lower-carb foods can help you burn calories more efficiently, which results in weight loss.5
One of the biggest myths about low-carb diets is that you can’t go off of them like you would a diet high in fat. Nothing could be further from the truth. These diets allow you to eat a wide range of low-carb foods, so you can eat a lot of different things and still lose weight. In fact, most low-carb diets are designed around foods such as potatoes, brown rice, whole-grain bread, and pasta.
Another benefit to participating in this type of diet is healthy weight loss. By eating the right amount of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates, you can actually speed up your metabolism. A faster metabolism is one of the secrets to burning calories and losing weight. As your metabolism burns calories at a higher rate, you will begin to lose weight.6
The key to a diet that actually works is twofold; you need to reduce the number of carbohydrates you eat while increasing the amounts of protein, healthy fats, and fiber you consume. A good place to start is a food pyramid. This will give you a good idea of how many servings of each food group you should include in your meals each day. Once you have established a diet, it is important to stick with it. You will never stop eating carbohydrates and will always be loading up on protein and healthy fats.
How To Determine Macronutrients In A Meal
When considering how to determine Macronutrients in a meal, consider the four different macronutrients that are included in most of the popular diets. They are proteins, carbohydrates, fat, and fiber. There are also other types of macronutrients that are important to consider when determining what to include in your diet.
These other macronutrients are not listed here because their benefits and role in the body are very different from the other two. However, these are all important to your diet as each one is required for different functions. Here are the three macros that are of the utmost importance when on a low-carb diet.
- Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and body tissue. Protein is also the precursor to energy. This means that protein provides the energy that you require during your workouts.7 Many athletes depend on proteins as their only source of energy. If you want to know how to determine macros in food, look at the amount of protein that is included in the food. The higher the protein content of the food, the more protein you will get from that food.
- Carbohydrates provide fuel for your muscles. They are also needed for the storage of fat. Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars and are available in both solid and liquid forms.8 Some sources of carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole-wheat products. One of the hardest carbohydrates to digest and metabolize is processed sugar, which is found in many foods such as cookies, candy bars, and most types of baked goods.
- Fats are another source of macronutrients. Any excess fat that you consume will be used for energy and stored as fat in your body. Your body will also need some fat in its cells to store what you eat, especially if you’re eating too much at one sitting. Knowing how to determine macros in food is important here because a lot of the fat in a meal that you’ll be consuming will get converted into stored fat.
The trick is knowing how to portion out your meals so that you don’t become overwhelmed with all the different foods. It’s important that your food choices provide you with the macronutrients you’re looking for so you can maintain a healthy weight.
The Importance of Low Carb Foods – Lion Knights & Vampires
One of the most important things you should know about yourself is what are low carb foods? When you were a kid, your diet consisted mainly of hot dogs and burgers, potato chips, and ice cream. As we get older, we may experience weight gain or weight loss, but this is usually temporary. For instance, if you lose some pounds while on your stomach, then it would soon go back when you started eating again, only your physique could not keep up with you. Carbohydrates are found almost in all popular foods. However, not all carbohydrates are healthy, especially those that contain sugar and calories.9
However, there are low-carb foods that are good for you, which are also the main source of energy for our body system. What are these “healthy” carbohydrates? They are called “good carbs”, and they come from vegetables, fruit, whole-grain bread, pasta, fruits, legumes, seeds, and nuts. These are just some of the common examples of good carbohydrates that help one maintain a low-calorie diet, and in the process to fight obesity, which is the biggest health concern in our society today.
Cooking Low Carb Meals
Making meals on a low-carb diet has many health benefits that make them an excellent alternative to traditional high-calorie meals. One of the greatest benefits is that they will leave you feeling satisfied. However, this type of diet requires some skill and knowledge to make the best use of the foods you will be eating. It’s important that you know how to go about making low-carb meals so you can reap the maximum benefit and improve your chances of living a healthy life.
Cooking low-carb meals does not need to be a chore; in fact, it can be fun! Because low-carb foods like zucchini, asparagus, and other vegetables cook extremely quickly, you can have delicious meals fit for a king or queen in no time at all. When you are looking for ideas for your next dinner, think about comfort foods such as lasagna, easy chicken kabobs, and low-carb spaghetti sauce. If you’re thinking about a low-carb diet, check out this wide array of delicious recipes to add to your weeknight dinner rotations and choose your favorite to include in your everyday meals.
Low-carb meals are fun to cook and don’t have to be complicated. With the right recipe and some creative ideas, you can make a tasty meal that is as healthy as any other that tastes like traditional food. When it comes to low-carb diets, the most important rule to follow is to keep your meal rotating: if you eat it once, throw it out, and if you eat it twice, make another one! You’ll be surprised how quickly your body adjusts to the new diet, and soon you will wonder why you ever worried about making low carb meals boring and complicated.
Image Credits
Thegioiwhey / August 7, 2020
Marco Fare / 2021
Healthline / July 28, 2020
Cooking Light /
1 “What are Net Carbs & How to Calculate Them | Atkins.” https://www.atkins.com/how-it-works/library/articles/what-are-net-carbs Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
2 “How to Calculate Net Carbs – Healthline.” 10 May. 2017, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/net-carbs Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
3 “South Beach Diet Official Site | Weight Loss Plan.” https://www.southbeachdiet.com/home/index.jsp Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
4 “10 Health Benefits of Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets – Healthline.” 20 Nov. 2018, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-benefits-of-low-carb-ketogenic-diets Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
5 “Low-carb diet: Can it help you lose weight? – Mayo Clinic.” 18 Nov. 2020, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/low-carb-diet/art-20045831 Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
6 “Low-carb benefits and how to maximize them – Diet Doctor.” https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/benefits Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
7 “Protein: Why Your Body Needs It – WebMD.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/benefits-protein Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
8 “Carbohydrates: Uses, health benefits, nutrition, and risks.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/161547 Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.
9 “Carbohydrates: Types & Health Benefits – Cleveland Clinic.” 8 Feb. 2021, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/15416-carbohydrates Accessed 15 Jun. 2021.