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Are low-carb protein bars really as healthy as they say they are? The quick answer is yes. As long as they contain healthy ingredients, you’re in good shape.
The nutrition facts on the back of the bar or package will give you a good idea of what the bar should contain. Each bar has the calories and other nutritional information listed on the back. The first ingredient that you must be sure of is the serving size of protein, while the next is the fiber content per serving. The last is the amount of fat within the bar.1
While protein bars are great snack options, there are some benefits to using them in addition to your other weight loss efforts. By adding low-carb, high protein foods to your diets, you can burn more fat while you’re trying to lose weight. Protein bars have become an integral part of dieting especially for athletes and bodybuilders who are looking for ways to maintain their muscle mass during weight loss. Protein is essential in providing the amino acids that your body needs in order to rebuild your muscles after they’ve been torn down by strenuous training sessions.2 There are many varieties of low-carb protein bars on the market today but which one should you choose? The answer may surprise you!
Three Low Carb Protein Bar Mistakes to Avoid
Are you wondering what to look for in protein bars with low carb? We all know that when it comes to the foods we eat, nutrition is king. While protein is the building block of muscle, too much can lead to excess weight gain and the accumulation of unwanted fat.3 That’s why it’s important to choose low-carb protein bars with the correct ingredients. There are some mistakes people make though which can really screw up your diet.
The biggest mistake people make with low-carb protein bars is skipping the highest protein intake. When you take away the protein, your body doesn’t get the energy it needs to build muscle, so the muscle stays put. Instead, it starts storing the fat you have gained on your body as energy.4 You don’t want to skimp on your protein or you’ll regret it!
When you’re on a low-carb diet, it’s important to consume the right amount of protein. Protein is necessary for muscle growth and repair. But not all protein sources are equal. Protein bars are a great way to get a quick and easy dose of protein on the go. They’re also perfect for when you’re in need of a post-workout snack without having to make your own food! But with so many options out there, it can be difficult to find the best one for your needs.
Protein Bars With Little Protein Content
One would think that a diet that requires a person to eat as little as one or two grams of protein per pound of body weight per day would be something that is very beneficial. But, this isn’t always the case. Many of the disadvantages of protein diets are actually related to the type of protein used and the amount consumed.
Most protein bars today are indeed very low in protein. It has been found that most protein bars have about ten percent protein, which is way too low. It’s not like we can all fit into these tiny little protein bars. That is why there are so many people who get discouraged and quit their protein diet.5
Protein diets are usually combined with other popular diet plans such as the Atkins diet, the South Beach Diet, and the Keto Diet. All these different diet plans work by telling you to consume less protein so that you can lose weight and reduce your cholesterol and sugar intake. While many people believe that eating protein bars with low protein would be a great way to jump-start their diet plans, they can actually make it more difficult.
Protein bars are a great way to get an additional protein boost, but it is important to know what you’re getting when you purchase them and to not make the mistake of getting bars that have low protein content in them. Some of the most popular brands on the market have recently been accused of falsely advertising their nutritional content.
Protein Bars With Low Fiber Contents
Have you heard the drawbacks of protein bars with low fiber contents? You might be surprised to learn that there are some negative aspects of such diet products. This is the reason why you should be very cautious about the choices that you make for your health.
The first negative aspect of protein bars with low fiber contents is that they can be quite bad for your health. Some studies have shown that these products can cause high levels of acid in the blood. It is not surprising, because the protein content in them is not enough to neutralize the acid in the stomach.6 In addition, the lack of protein content can also cause low production of proteins in the body. If these are left unaddressed, it may result in a number of problems.
Another problem with protein bars with low fiber content is that they are very hard to digest. Unlike real food, the protein molecules are too large to be effectively absorbed by the body. As a result, they get stored on the body as fat. Once you use them, they get digested too quickly and become useless. Since your metabolism needs carbohydrates, protein is actually a complete food. Therefore, they should be included in your diet in the proper amount.
Lastly, protein supplements with low fiber contents have negative effects on the kidneys and can cause constipation.7 As a matter of fact, if your diet is rich in protein, you might want to consider drinking protein shakes to counter this disadvantage. Nevertheless, the disadvantages of protein bars with low fiber contents are simply too many to even mention. To better help you get a clear picture, you can consult your doctor about the pros and cons of protein supplements to better guide you in making the best choice.
Protein Bars Loaded with Unhealthy Fats
Unhealthy fats found in low-carb diets are becoming more popular as people want to lose weight and avoid getting obese. However, their popularity is based on one thing – people think that by cutting down on fats they will somehow get rid of weight faster. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Excess fat is not going to magically disappear either, even when you cut out carbohydrates from your diet.
The worst unhealthy fats are polyunsaturated fats, also called saturated fats, or trans fats.8 These fats are bad for your health because they increase your LDL cholesterol and raise your blood pressure. They are also responsible for your clogged arteries and other problems. One type of unhealthy fat is called partially hydrogenated oils, or trans fats.
These unhealthy fats can be found almost everywhere. In addition, a lot of fast-food restaurants and other restaurants use hydrogenated oils, which also add unhealthy fats to your food.9 To avoid having your health damaged, it is best to buy food from a store where the ingredients are listed. If you’re buying a protein bar at a store, look for the list of ingredients, and check the fat grams listed next to each ingredient. Sometimes healthy fats found in protein bars are often overlooked, and in some cases, they can be as bad for you as the unhealthy fats found in fast food.10
Protein bars are a quick and convenient way to get protein on the go, but consumers should be aware of what they’re eating. Many protein bars contain unhealthy fats like saturated fat and trans fat. These fats are known to cause health problems such as obesity, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.
Image Credits
SuppKings Nutrition / 2021
ResearchGate / April 2014
Vaunte / 2021
Medlife / September 17, 2019
1 “How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label | FDA.” 11 Mar. 2020, Accessed 6 May. 2021.
2 “Essential Amino Acids: Definition, Benefits, and Food Sources.” 12 Jun. 2018, Accessed 6 May. 2021.
3 “Protein: Why Your Body Needs It – WebMD.” Accessed 6 May. 2021.
4 “High-Protein Diet: Pros, Cons, and What You Can Eat – Verywell Fit.” 3 Mar. 2021, Accessed 6 May. 2021.
5 “8 Signs and Symptoms of Protein Deficiency – Healthline.” 31 Oct. 2017, Accessed 6 May. 2021.
6 “Dangers of a Low-Fiber Diet, From Constipation to Colon Cancer.” 13 Jun. 2019, Accessed 6 May. 2021.
7 “Dietary fiber intake is associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD ….” Accessed 6 May. 2021.
8 “Good Fats vs. Bad Fats: Everything You Need to Know – Healthline.” Accessed 6 May. 2021.
9 “Dietary fat: Know which to choose – Mayo Clinic.” Accessed 6 May. 2021.
10 “The truth about fats: the good, the bad, and the in-between – Harvard ….” 11 Dec. 2019, Accessed 6 May. 2021.