Table of Contents
The importance of healthy eating is one of the things that we are all taught at a very young age, whether it is by our parents or not. As we grow up so do the messages we get regarding what a healthy eating lifestyle is all about. For many people, the importance of healthy eating isn’t something they think about until it is too late and they are suffering from ill health and or serious injury due to poor eating habits.1
A healthy eating regime is essentially a way of justifying the importance of healthy eating to you and is considered part of your overall setting’s commitment to ensuring the very best standard of medical care for your children. The importance of healthy eating should not just be restricted to young people, it should also be an important factor in any weight loss plan. Even if you have put together a well-balanced diet and are doing all you can to help your child stay fit and healthy, the damage that could be done if they are still not following a good eating regime can never be removed. You should ensure that they are always being offered the right foods at the appropriate times to keep them interested and provide them with the nutrition they need.
The importance of healthy eating habits is something that should be considered and implemented from a very young age. When they are older they will most likely be more prone to change as they start to read about and become involved with different things. However, by teaching them about the importance of having these healthy eating habits from a young age you can set a good example for them and encourage them to do the same.
Which Protein Bar Has No Sugar Alcohols?
Finding the answer to that question can be a bit tricky. Because as we all know, sugar is a key ingredient of almost any good protein bar, and most foods for that matter. Most protein bars will list whether or not the product contains sugar on the label. However, sugar is an ingredient that should not be present in your protein bar unless it’s natural sugar and no sugar substitute. It should state on the label that the product contains “no sugar” or “no sugar added.”
If there is sugar listed, then you’re not getting your recommended daily allowance of protein. You can also look at the nutrition facts panel on the back of the protein bar to determine exactly what your recommended protein intake is per serving. If the nutrition facts panel states that the product has 5 grams of protein per serving, then you know that the protein bar has no sugar. The sugar content of a protein bar with sugar is always listed, but because the sugar is not natural, it really isn’t counted as a source of protein.2
Protein supplements are fantastic for building muscle and gaining more of the nutrients that our body needs. The problem is that many people don’t take protein supplements in the right amounts. When you take protein, it’s important to consume at least five grams each day. That’s about half a pound of protein per day if you’re trying to build muscle.
What Are Sugar Alcohols?
For years, the FDA has approved artificial sweeteners as safe for consumption, but recent studies have linked these sugar substitutes to cancer and cardiovascular disease. There are now proposals in Congress to ban or restrict the use of all artificial sweeteners, replacing them with organic sugar. However, if you choose to use sugar alternatives in place of sugar in your diet, you should learn the facts about sugar and why it’s bad for you.3
Sugar alcohols are actually a class of sugar derivatives, which have the same chemical properties as sugar molecules but contain an extra degree of hydrogen peroxide or a carbonyl group. As a result, sugar substitutes that contain these types of sugars tend to lose their sugar content when heated, which causes the sweetener to be stored as a solution or substance that can be tapped into by the body to raise blood glucose levels.4 You will find these types of sugars in sweets, chewing gum, energy drinks, candy bars, and most bottled waters, as well as many bottled beverages, such as fruit juices, spring water, sports drinks, wine, and tea.
What are the most common sugar alcohols in protein bars? As you look for a good protein bar, look for sugar alcohols to ensure that the bars are made with real sugar. As a matter of fact, artificial sweeteners may even be added to some protein bars, further complicating the problem. For example, glucose is a sugar alternative that is commonly used to create energy drinks and sports drinks, but because it is also added to some protein bars, it makes them even less healthy for you to drink.
Are Sugar Alcohols Healthy?
In short, the answer is no, sugar alcohols aren’t good for you, but they aren’t intrinsically harmful either. What exactly are sugar alcohols? Sugar alcohols get their name from their molecular structure, which consists of a sugar molecule attached to an amino acid molecule. Biochemically speaking, sugar alcohols are very similar to sugar, but are either less poorly digested (ethylated) or not metabolized (enriched).5
The problem with sugar alcohols is that their molecular composition greatly reduces their bioavailability. That means that the carbs (or starches) they contain can only be used by breaking down the amount they contain before they can enter the bloodstream. Thus, if a person takes a hundred grams of regular sugar alcohol listed as “one teaspoon” of protein powder, and then mixes this powder into one-eighth of a cup of water, the person will only be able to drink one-fourth of a cup of water, instead of the full serving size listed on the label. So, instead of using the sugar alcohols as a dietary supplement, consider instead relying on a good old-fashioned food combination.
However, it is important to note that not all low-carb foods are suitable as sugar substitutes, especially if you are trying to develop a low-carb diet. While it is possible to substitute these products for regular sugar, it’s also very important to exercise moderation and avoid eating foods that contain too much starch (as well as foods with white flour). Some examples of “starchy foods” include potatoes, rice, bread, potatoes, and pasta. If you are only going to consume foods with starch as a sugar substitute, it’s best to also choose foods high in fiber and low in fat. Fiber can significantly reduce your body’s desire to crave starchy carbs, while low-fat and high-fiber foods provide a steady supply of carbohydrates for your body to use.6
What Are the Dangers of Sugar?
Unfortunately, they can be quite harmful if they are consumed in large amounts. Most sugar alcohols tend to be created from sugar foods like sugar, malt, corn syrup, glucose, corn syrup solids, cane sugar, rice syrup, raw sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses, caramel, processed sugar, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, and more. They are also commonly found in other food items, like candy, cookies, energy bars, baking goods, dry cereal, instant breakfast powders, pancake mix, etc.7
To name just a few, there are dozens of more sugary foods that may be included in your average diet, which means that many people consume large amounts of sugar. Sugar alcohols frequently found in protein bars are as follows: Maltodextrin, Maltose, corn syrup solids, dextrose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, soybean, and sunflower oils, fruit juices, grapefruit juices, raisins, etc.
Sugar Alcohols, however, are rarely used for baking. Rather, they are often used to sweeten fruit juices and other beverages. It has become very popular to use artificial sweeteners as a healthy alternative to sugar and as a weight loss product. They are often used in place of Splenda, a sugar substitute often used as a sugar replacement in drinks and snacks.
Sorbitol, another artificial sweetener, has also found its way into the human diet in many ways. One is that it replaces natural sugar in barbecue sauce and dressings. Another way that it is used is in various types of candy bars, including Kit-Kats, Nuka-bars, My-bars, Snickers, Tootsie-bar, Milky-bar, and several others. It may be best to avoid these altogether, or at least choose those that are organic when you bake or purchase them at a store.
One is that they cause glycation, which is the process by which sugar molecules become stuck to cell walls, turning the glucose molecules in the blood into fat. Over time, this can raise your blood sugar level to dangerous levels, causing obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. The dangers of sugar alcohol may seem extreme, but if you or someone you love is suffering from diabetes, kidney disease, or high blood pressure, you should take the time to learn all about the dangers of sugar. Sugar alcohols should be avoided whenever possible, especially in processed foods where they are used as additives.8
Image Credits
Christ Kessler / Google Stock Images
Diabetes / Google Stock Images
Kelsey Kinney / Google Stock Images
Harvard Health / Google Stock Images
EuroMoney / Google Stock Images
1 “Healthy diet – WHO | World Health Organization.” https://www.who.int/initiatives/behealthy/healthy-diet Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.
2 “10 Alternatives to Refined Sugar – Healthline.” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/natural-sugar-substitutes Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.
3 “Sugar Alcohols: Good or Bad? – Healthline.” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/sugar-alcohols-good-or-bad Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.
4 “Sugar Alcohols: Food Sources & Effects on Health – WebMD.” 27 Mar. 2020, https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-are-sugar-alcohols Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.
5 “What You Should Know About Sugar Alcohols.” 15 Apr. 2021, https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-sugar-alcohols/ Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.
6 “Sugar Alcohols: Good or Bad? – Healthline.” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/sugar-alcohols-good-or-bad Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.
7 “The sweet danger of sugar – Harvard Health.” https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/the-sweet-danger-of-sugar Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.
8 “Diabetes – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic.” 30 Oct. 2020, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20371444 Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.