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For many people, one of the biggest roadblocks to muscle building is sleep. Many who are looking to improve their physique are not getting enough sleep. This is especially true when they are focusing on building muscle while sleeping, as this can cause serious hypoglycemia while working out. When working out, your body usually produces more energy during your workout than you do during the final part of your workout.
When your body is working out, your brain also generates more energy. It’s important to make sure you get plenty of rest to recover for the next day’s work. Lean proteins such as white meat, plain low-fat yogurt, raw peas, beans, and low-grain cottage cheese are what should typically dominate your plate while you’re attempting to build muscle while sleeping. As it turns out, these same proteins will also help your body build muscle during your sleep as it enables your muscles to absorb more nutrients from food.
Sleep is just as important to your physical health as it is to your mental health. The importance of sleep for building muscle is also a mental fact.1 A well-rested mind is able to function at an optimum level, so it stands to reason that if you’re sleeping better while building muscle, you’re also functioning better at the gym. It may seem silly, but sleep is actually very important to your physique.
The Importance of Sleep
Although you probably spend about one-third of your life performing it, the importance of sleep not only lies in your quality and quantity but also in the long-term benefits. Having too little sleep can be as detrimental to your well-being as not getting enough sleep at all. Getting adequate sleep not only makes you feel drowsy during the day, but it can also affect your moods and your immune system.2 More sleep helps ward off serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s and lessening the effects of minor ailments, such as headaches and tension. Sleep also has a strong impact on your cognitive performance and is the key element in allowing you to think clearly and function properly.3
There are several health benefits to getting adequate sleep. Getting less sleep can lead to high blood pressure and a heightened risk of heart attack and stroke. Those with high blood pressure already know the damage sleep deprivation can cause to their body. It can also result in weight gain, which is a major cause of many health problems.4
A balanced sleep schedule is the best way to sleep better at night and to maintain a healthy weight throughout the day. In order to sleep better at night, it is important to have a sleep schedule that is full of moderate hours and the right time of day. The best time for most people is in the morning. Although the importance of sleep may be largely unknown to some, there are numerous ways to fall asleep quicker and sleep better at night. Some sleep aids work better for some people than others, but there are no artificial ways to sleep better at night and nothing will ever replace the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
Why Does Sleep Improve Muscle Growth?
How much sleep do you need to sleep better and increase your muscle growth? Many people sleep better than they should and it is not always because they are lazy. It may be because they have not had a good sleep recently or perhaps they are not getting enough exercise during the day. This does not mean that sleep does not help with muscle growth; it can if the right type of sleep is taken.5
One reason that sleep better helps with muscle growth is when your body is in a rested state your body does not have as many worries and stressors affecting it. Your mind is completely rested and not stressed and therefore your body is free from anxiety and tension. Muscle is built while you sleep so if you sleep better your muscle growth will be able to grow faster.
The second reason that sleep better helps with muscle growth is that your body releases growth hormones when you sleep at night.6 These hormones help your muscles grow and repair themselves, giving you a larger-looking body in the morning. Sleep has been proven to be very beneficial to your health, so if you want to get the most out of sleep, sleep better and sleep longer. You will definitely feel better and sleep better when you sleep better.7
What Food Can Improve Muscle Growth During Sleep?
What food can improve muscle growth during sleep?
It is simple, good quality protein before bed is vital. Protein will provide muscle growth while sleeping and also aid in weight loss also. The best protein sources are whey and casein protein, as they are the fastest releasing and least processed. When it comes to protein, the most important nutrient is protein, which is found in meat, fish, eggs, pulses, nuts, and seeds.8
It is best to consume food that keeps your body refreshed while at the same time giving it what it needs to repair and grow. If you follow this rule of thumb then you can rest assured that your sleep benefits are going to be substantial.9 In addition, your body will thank you for it as it is healthier and more fit. This will benefit your overall health, which is priceless.
The Benefits of Protein Before Bed
Before you even consider hitting the weights or heading down the fitness trail, there are many benefits of protein for muscle growth before bed that you should be aware of. Protein is one of the most important nutrients in any healthy diet. It is also one of the hardest to find in commercial foods.10 Even when you do find high-quality protein powder in a store, it can be difficult to get your diet on track. Most of us have way too many cereals and other packaged foods on hand!
That being said, it is important to get plenty of protein into our diets each day. The benefits of protein for muscle growth before bed begin to become clear once you realize how essential sleep is to the body. When we are tired and don’t feel like working out, our muscles are not growing. In fact, they will actually shrink. Lack of sleep actually hinders our bodies ability to grow.11
Our bodies need at least 8 hours of sleep each night in order to rebuild the muscles we have worn out during the day. Without sleep, our bodies continue to make use of the calories we consume, even though these calories are not getting used. This will actually lead to weight gain over time. If we are not sleeping well, we may not be as receptive to the effects of these nutrients, which means that we will actually be taking more nutritional chances from filler pills than we should. Instead of gaining weight, we could actually be damaging our bodies and contributing to the development of serious illnesses such as diabetes.
So when it comes to the benefits of protein for muscle growth before bed, it is absolutely necessary that you get the right amount of protein into your body before going to bed. This can be done through the consumption of high-protein foods. You can also take this food directly into your muscle before bed by mixing it with milk and feeding it to yourself.12
The last one of the benefits of protein for muscle growth before bed is that, once you are in bed and your muscles are warmed up enough, you can then take a protein supplement. However, just like everything else that we mentioned here, make sure that what you are getting is a true protein supplement. This will ensure that you do not waste your time or money on something that does not work.13 There are many out there that claim to be protein supplements but are not. Some even contain things like sugar and useless vitamins that will do absolutely nothing for you, instead of providing you with the nutrients that you need to get started in the morning.
Now that you have some information, you can start researching and see that protein supplements are best for you and your needs. It doesn’t hurt to ask a professional, too; you never know whether or not they have had success using a certain brand. You may also want to visit some online sites and see what they recommend as far as protein supplements go. Whatever you decide, make sure that you get the right stuff so that you can be successful in reaching your fitness goals.
Image Credits
Police Chief Magazine / November 17, 2017
Men’s Journal / 2021
Built With Science / April 19, 2019
Amerisleep / February 12, 2021
1 “10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important – Healthline.” 24 Feb. 2020, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-reasons-why-good-sleep-is-important Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
2 “Why Do We Need Sleep? | Sleep Foundation.” 11 Sep. 2020, https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/why-do-we-need-sleep Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
3 “Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency | NHLBI, NIH.” 29 Jun. 2021, https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/sleep-deprivation-and-deficiency Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
4 “7 Surprising Health Benefits to Getting More Sleep – WebMD.” 12 Jun. 2021, https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/benefits-sleep-more Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
5 “How Important Is Sleep for the Body & Mind? | American Sleep ….” https://www.sleepassociation.org/about-sleep/how-important-is-sleep/ Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
6 “The relationship and importance of sleep and Muscle Recovery..” https://sportslabnyc.com/sleep-muscle-recovery/ Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
7 “How Sleep Helps Your Muscles Recover and Grow | Sleep.org.” 11 Mar. 2021, https://www.sleep.org/how-sleep-adds-muscle/ Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
8 “Protein: Why Your Body Needs It – WebMD.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/benefits-protein Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
9 “Why Is Protein Important In Your Diet? | Piedmont Healthcare.” https://www.piedmont.org/living-better/why-is-protein-important-in-your-diet Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
10 “Protein Before Bed to Gain Muscle – Healthline.” https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/protein-before-bed Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
11 “4 Benefits of Having a Protein Shake Before Bed – eachnight.” 18 May. 2021, https://eachnight.com/sleep/benefits-of-having-a-protein-shake-before-bed/ Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
12 “The Benefits of Having a Protein Shake Before Bed – Verywell Fit.” https://www.verywellfit.com/benefits-of-having-a-protein-shake-before-bed-4163465 Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.
13 “Why You Should Eat Protein Before Bed – PodiumRunner.” 11 Feb. 2021, https://www.podiumrunner.com/nutrition/why-eating-protein-before-bed-may-benefit-your-workout/ Accessed 16 Jul. 2021.