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In today’s society, the amount of sugar and fat that our bodies receive from a very young age can lead to a number of health issues later in life. Just take a look at the statistics on the obesity rate for teens today. While it used to be that teens didn’t have such a big problem with obesity until they went off to college and became adults, today it is a huge issue. Many teen weight loss programs focus on the importance of a healthy diet to help teens lose weight, but they often overlook the importance of a healthy lifestyle for teens as well. If a teenager listens to their parent’s idea of healthy diets for teens, they are more likely to think that these diets are just for adults, but they can work for children as well.
The typical teen today spends so much time on the computer and playing games on the internet that they rarely get any exercise at all. Inactivity can lead to obesity and associated health risks like diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and other life-threatening diseases.1
The Importance of Healthy Diets for Teens
It seems as though the importance of healthy diets for teens has taken a back seat in recent years. With most teens turning to foods that are considered to be fattening and unhealthy, it is no wonder that many of them do not even bother with eating healthy on a daily basis. However, by making healthy choices for your teen, you can help them lead a longer, healthier life.2 Teens need to have a balanced diet full of foods that are high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. It is also a great idea to include exercise into their teen healthy diets for teens as well.
Many teen healthy diets for teens consist of lean meats, fish, chicken, vegetables, and fruits. This is important as teenagers tend to crave these types of foods when they are out of the regular meal routine. Another important aspect of healthy teen diets for teens is to keep everything low in fats. Studies show that an extra amount of fat in a child’s diet can cause obesity in adulthood.3
It is also important for your teens’ healthy diet to be low in sodium. Teens tend to be dehydrated more easily from salt intake. For this reason, it is important to only add sodium to their diet in the small amounts that it needs to remain tasty. It is important for teens to be aware that exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand. Teens need to get off the couch and get to exercising and eating healthy in order to stay fit.4
Teens and Nutritional Health – What Are The Benefits of Healthy Diets For Teens?
There is an ongoing debate as to the physical benefits of a healthy diet for teens. Some experts say that there are none because all teens, regardless of their age are in fact growing. These experts feel that the best way to get physical benefits from a healthy diet is to start early and stick with it. Others believe that teens will reap the physical benefits of a healthy diet long before they ever reach their adolescent years. The truth may lie somewhere in the middle.5
One thing that most studies do agree on though is that the physical benefits of healthy diets for teens are certainly possible if a teen is committed to making healthy choices and practicing a healthy lifestyle. Teens who want to get the physical benefits of healthy diets for teens need to be motivated to make those choices. And they need to be willing to put in some hard work to make those choices happen.
While the physical benefits of healthy diets do exist, the benefits also extend to emotional benefits as well. Teens who make healthy choices when it comes to food tend to be more confident about their bodies and in their relationships. They are more likely to exercise and eat right, too. As a result, they become more positive about themselves and are better able to look up to other teens and act as role models.
One physical benefit of a healthy diet for teens is that it makes them more likely to become satisfied when they eat. Teens tend to eat a lot more than other teens. This can lead to bingeing and weight gain, which can hurt a teen’s physical and mental health. When a teen binges, she usually doesn’t feel full and is likely to consume more calories in the next few hours to get back to her desired weight. With a healthy diet for teens, a teen is less likely to go off track and eat to the point of feeling unsatisfied.6
As a parent, you can take the best physical benefits of a healthy diet for teens by being informed about nutrition. You should talk with your teen about eating healthy and exercising. If your teen already knows about these things but is still having trouble getting the rest of her nutritional needs met, encourage your teen to talk to you about it. By doing so, you’ll be providing your teen with a great source of emotional and physical support as well.
The Benefits Of A Healthy Diet For A Teens Mental Health
Studies are beginning to show that a teen’s diet is very important to their mental and physical health. Some parents are not even encouraging their kids to start eating healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for one reason or another. Others just don’t know what the benefits are of a healthy diet for teens’ mental well-being.7
One of the most obvious benefits of a healthy diet for teens is good food habits. Your child’s initial response when you sit them down to talk about a diet is going to be how boring it is or how hard it is going to be to accomplish this.8 They will start wanting to eat better and start taking better care of themselves.
Teenagers are going through a lot of growing up and there are a lot of tough things going on in their lives. They will go through a lot of tough decisions when it comes to trying to get into their colleges or how much they should eat each day. It is important to take their decisions about dieting very seriously because eating unhealthy food is bad for not only their current weight situation but also their long-term mental health. It can lead to depression and ultimately suicide if they continue on the path that they are on.9
As a parent, you can help your teen’s in many different ways if you make them realize the importance of eating healthier. You should talk to them about it at every meal and even before they get to the table. You should let them know that their choices are effective and that eating healthier is always the best option. You should also make it clear to them what you think their current eating habits are and that you will not tolerate them doing things that will harm their health and even put them in danger. It is also a good idea to create a chart detailing all of their food intake statistics each week so that you can keep track and be sure that they are getting enough food to maintain healthy body weight.
One of the most difficult aspects of teenagers is discipline. They will usually resist most changes in their diets, especially those that are being done quickly and are considered to be very healthy. However, if you take the time to explain to them what the benefits of a healthy diet are and give them positive reinforcement then you should be able to get the desired results. If you are consistent with this type of training then you will be able to instill in your teens a love for food and a strong desire to do what is necessary to maintain a healthy diet and keep their minds healthy as well.10
What is Considered a Healthy Diet For Teens?
In an age where everything is changing, teens are more willing to accept change in order to become healthier and live better. When teens turn to their pediatricians in search of answers they are often receiving advice on what not to eat, and what is healthy for them to eat. This can be overwhelming for any teen, but even more so when their teen has diabetes or high blood pressure and other serious health conditions.
Fortunately, there are some simple steps that teens can take to start a healthy diet. Eating healthy doesn’t mean that teens have to eat boring and bland foods. Instead, teens can start by adding more fruits and vegetables to their diets. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that teens need to stay healthy. Also, teens can begin to eliminate certain unhealthy foods such as processed foods, sugary pastries, and fast food. Teens should also learn how to make healthy decisions with the food they choose and get proper nutrition education.
Eating healthy can be a major lifestyle change for teens, but it does require time, effort, and education from teens and their parents. With proper education and communication teens can begin to understand how their bodies work and start creating a better eating plan for themselves. This can create long-term benefits for teens that will last a lifetime.
Image Credits
Wake Forest News / Google Stock Images
Health Fitness Revolution / Google Stock Images
Food Revolution Network / Google Stock Images
Healthy Eating for Families / Google Stock Images
1 “The State of Obesity 2020: Better Policies for a Healthier America – tfah.” https://www.tfah.org/report-details/state-of-obesity-2020/ Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
2 “Healthy eating for teens – AboutKidsHealth.” 23 Mar. 2020, https://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/Article?contentid=638&language=English Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
3 “Healthy Eating During Adolescence – Health Encyclopedia – URMC.” https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=90&ContentID=P01610 Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
4 “Healthy Eating During Adolescence | Johns Hopkins Medicine.” https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/healthy-eating-during-adolescence Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
5 “Take Charge of Your Health: A Guide for Teenagers | NIDDK.” https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/take-charge-health-guide-teenagers Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
6 “Binge Eating Disorder (for Teens) – Nemours Kidshealth.” https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/binge-eating.html Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
7 “Food and Mood: Teen Nutrition and Mental Health – Newport Academy.” 10 May. 2017, https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/empowering-teens/food-mood-nutrition-teen-mental-health/ Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
8 “How Nutrition Affects Teens’ Mental Health | For Better | US News.” 10 May. 2018, https://health.usnews.com/health-care/for-better/articles/2018-05-10/how-nutrition-affects-teens-mental-health Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
9 “How Nutrition Affects Teens’ Mental Health – Visions Treatment ….” 20 Oct. 2020, https://visionsteen.com/how-nutrition-affects-teens-mental-health/ Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.
10 “Teenagers: How To Stay Healthy – Health and Wellness.” 24 Sep. 2019, https://familydoctor.org/teenagers-how-to-stay-healthy/ Accessed 27 Aug. 2021.