When it comes to finding healthy homemade food that is delicious as well as healthy, there is really no better option than healthy homemade protein bars for kids. When it comes to kids, most of them are very much interested in having as many options as possible when it comes to healthy foods. They are very much open to trying new things that they probably wouldn’t have even tried before.
In terms of healthy protein bars for kids, you really have to start by getting the ingredients right. The kids will enjoy a variety of different flavors and will be drawn to the ones that have lots of fruits, vegetables, and high-quality protein, which is also vital. You also have to make sure that you use the right kinds of nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Many of these healthy bars for kids are based on flavors that the kids just love such as banana and chocolate or strawberry and chocolate. Try to combine a couple of these flavors and you will find that the kids won’t even notice that the bars have any other ingredients.
There is really no reason why healthy homemade meal options for kids cannot be just as tasty as anything that you buy in the grocery store.1 When you get the whole family involved in making healthy meals, you will end up with something that the kids will actually eat, although it may not taste that good. This is because the natural flavors will give it a bit of a kick and they will love it. Of course, you have to make sure that you use quality protein as well as healthy ingredients in order to get it right.2
No-Bake Mint Chocolate Protein Bars
Are you interested in learning about the healthy benefits of No-Bake Mint Chocolate protein bars? If so, then you are definitely in the right place. The good thing about this healthy recipe is that it can be made both for kids and adults at home. With these healthy protein bars, you will never have to go through another tough week with hunger pangs as they can effectively quench your cravings. There are a lot of benefits of healthy protein bars including their convenience, delicious taste, and nutritional content that kids won’t find in other unhealthy snack options.
With all these benefits of healthy protein bars, one would think that it could be too good to be true that it is actually healthy to eat chocolate chip cookies every other day. But contrary to what you may think, these healthy bars are not only healthy but also very tasty. And to cap it all up, they are also very easy to make and suitable for people of any age.
Aside from being healthy, another benefit of healthy protein bars is that they are very convenient to eat especially for kids who love to snack on anything. They can have a piece when they feel hungry but still have some leftovers to munch on the next time.
The Benefits of Mint
One of the more well-known benefits of mint is for alleviating digestive problems. Peppermint contains compounds called Menthol, Menthyl, and Limonene that help to calm your upset stomach, ease digestion and help with gas formation. Peppermint tea has also been shown to relieve headaches and other common discomforts.3 As well as these benefits of mint for digestion, it has also been shown to benefit women during their menopause years by relieving vaginal dryness and pain.4
In addition to its benefits of relieving discomforts, mint is also known to have a number of other beneficial uses. Some herbs are added to tea as a natural way of making tea less bitter and adding flavor. Mint leaves can be combined with other herbs to create healing remedies such as eucalyptus oil, which is good for soothing insect bites and stings. Eucalyptus oil is also added to some lip balms, and the oil kills viruses and bacteria on contact.
There are a number of benefits of mint, which make it a very good choice for anyone looking for ways to improve their health on a daily basis.5 The main benefits of mint are the relief from digestive system problems, as well as the relief from headaches and other common irritations. The main benefits of mint are not limited to internal health, but also extend to the external benefits of eating mints on a regular basis. As well as helping the digestive system, it will also provide you with other benefits such as preventing tooth decay and providing relief from minor digestive system ailments.
Recipes For No-Bake Mint Chocolate Protein Bars
Mint chocolate chip no-bake protein bars can be made in a matter of minutes! These recipes for no-bake mint chocolate chip bars are ultra-satisfying and healthy at the same time. Not only do they pack in healthy protein and are incredibly easy to snack on, but they’re also tastier than anything store-bought. Delicious, wholesome ingredients and nutritious, plant-based chocolate bars.6
The most important ingredients to any of the recipes for no-bake mint chocolate chip protein bars are either soy milk, almond butter, or good quality finely ground, and flavorful nut mix. You will need to experiment a little bit to find a combination of nuts, seeds, and/or nut products that have a good balance of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and taste that you love. It’s also advisable to include a protein powder or flaxseed powder in the mix if you aren’t allergic to peanuts or other allergenic foods.
Next, you’ll need to gather together the ingredients for your no-bake, low-calorie, low-fat, super healthy, delicious no-bake mint chocolate chip bars. Although it is tempting to simply use a standard cookie or cake mix as these can oftentimes be too expensive, keep in mind that these recipes for no-bake chocolate chip i bars will not only taste better, they will be healthier as the ingredients are typically made from organic or natural ingredients.
If you are using store-bought items, especially refined white sugar, you are defeating the purpose of including this as one of your ingredients. A good rule of thumb is to use organic or natural processed ingredients whenever possible.
One of the most important additions to any of these bars is actual food, or more specifically, raw, whole foods. This means nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and sea salt.7 The sea salt is especially important as it helps to naturally deodorize the bars and bring out the flavor in the various ingredients. Some of the other items needed to complete the no-bake mint chocolate chip bars recipe include a semi-sweet or dark chocolate bar.
A nice touch would be to add some crunchy, small pieces of fresh fruit or nuts to the Graham cracker crust. Not only does this add an extra bit of sweetness to the ice cream recipe, but it also works as a healthy alternative to high-calorie, fatty, sweetened snacks, and candy.
Image Credits
Ascent Protein / 2021
Lybrate / 2021
Fit Mitten Kitchen / January 29, 2020
1 “Kids Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. ….” https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/kids-healthy-eating-plate/ Accessed 2 Aug. 2021.
2 “Children | Nutrition.gov.” https://www.nutrition.gov/topics/nutrition-age/children Accessed 2 Aug. 2021.
3 “Health Benefits of Peppermint – WebMD.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-health-benefits-peppermint Accessed 2 Aug. 2021.
4 “Benefits of Peppermint Oil: Uses, Side Effects & Research – Healthline.” 12 Oct. 2018, https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-peppermint-oil Accessed 2 Aug. 2021.
5 “Peppermint: Health benefits and precautions – Medical News Today.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265214 Accessed 2 Aug. 2021.
6 “Healthy, Plant-Based Protein Meal Ideas for Kids – Nurture Life.” 7 Dec. 2020, https://www.nurturelife.com/blog/plant-based-protein-ideas-kids/ Accessed 2 Aug. 2021.
7 “Sea Salt: Uses, Benefits, and Downsides – Healthline.” 12 Nov. 2019, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/sea-salt-benefits Accessed 2 Aug. 2021.