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Protein bars are a great snack for kids and parents alike. There are many different brands of protein bars that come in flavors that will please children, such as chocolate chip or peanut butter cookie dough. Some brands even have extra ingredients like honey, nuts, and fruit to make them more filling!
Protein bars are a great way to make sure you’re getting your protein. But, they can be hard to carry around and kids don’t always like them. What if there was a kid-friendly protein bar that tastes good? If you’ve been looking for a healthy snack to take with you on the go, we have the perfect solution!1 KIND Kids Granola Chewy Bars are a wholesome and nutritious option that is safe for kids of all ages. They’re made from high-quality ingredients like honey, whole grains, nuts, and fruit. Plus they come in 3 delicious flavors including peanut butter, chocolate chip cookie dough, and honey oat. You can find these bars at most grocery stores nationwide!2
KIND Kids Granola Chewy Protein Bars
KIND Kids Granola Chewy Bars are a delicious, full-bodied snack bar that offers healthy cereal choices with a variety of fruits to please any pallet. KIND brand protein bars are nutritionally balanced and designed with you and your kids in mind. With KIND, you can be sure that you will find the right balance of taste and texture, which are paramount in any snack or meal for young children. KIND bars contain no artificial sweeteners, colors, or added flavors.3 They are rich, chocolaty, peanut buttery, and go-to snacks for young children on the go.
KIND bars are made using natural and organic ingredients, which is what makes them better than their traditional alternatives. KIND granola bars are made using quality whey concentrate from cows that are fed natural grass instead of grains. The concentrate gives the milk its smooth, creamy texture and KIND bars are as good if not better than the regular cereals you may buy at the store. To make KIND kids’ bars even tastier, it is best to use soy-based milk instead of regular cow’s milk. KIND also offers a number of flavors including banana nut, chocolate chip, blueberry nut, lemon, marshmallow, and more.
KIND bars are a healthy snack for young kids because they are made with whole grains, real fruit, and protein, just like the traditional breakfast cereals. KIND offers low fat, low sodium, low carb, and high-protein options in its assortment of flavors. With KIND, your kids have the satisfaction of a great snack without the guilt of empty calories and junk food.
The Benefits of Eating KIND Kids Granola Chewy Bars
For the past several years, KIND has been a market leader when it comes to producing high-quality protein bars for kids and adults alike. KIND has always maintained that each bar is as good, if not better than the next in terms of quality, taste, and overall product performance. But with the recent surge of organic and natural products hitting the marketplace, KIND has decided to go ahead and create its own organic energy bar. KIND brand protein bars are now available on grocery store shelves.
The benefits of eating KIND Kids Granola Chewy Bars involve several facets of youth nutrition. One benefit of eating KIND energy bars is the inclusion of a delicious variety of nuts and granola to go along with the low calorie, low fat, and low sugar content. KIND energy bars provide kids with healthy alternatives to traditional snack foods that may not be as healthy for them as they are for us adults. Many of us are still not eating the right types of foods that we should be.4 Taking a look at the benefits of eating KIND energy bars will help you to realize that although the granola and the nuts are an ingredient in the energy bar, it is in the form of an excellent source of carbohydrates, which children need the most of, especially during the teen years.5
Another great benefit of eating KIND energy bars is the inclusion of a variety of different types of protein. Some of the best benefits of eating KIND energy bars include the inclusion of a protein bar benefits for kids that provide their bodies with the protein they need to stay strong. There is also no need to worry about the sugar content of this protein supplement. There is no sugar added, so it will not cause the child to become overweight. A lot of the KIND energy bars contain a high amount of protein and a lot of other vitamins and minerals as well.6
The benefit of eating KIND kids Granola Chewy Bars is that they can help improve the physical health of the children. If the child does not like having sweets but is still trying to eat a healthy diet, then these energy bars can help satisfy the child’s desire for sweets while providing them with the energy and the nutrients that they need. The fat content of these energy bars is very low and will not make the child feel as heavy. Another benefit of eating KIND energy bars is that they have a high fiber content which provides many benefits to the child’s digestive system. The fiber content will help move the waste from the body more quickly and help to eliminate the waste easier.7
KIND kids granola chewy bars provide a great source of energy to your young child, and they can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals your child needs for their growing bodies. However, you should be sure to read the benefits of eating KIND energy bars and understand all of the qualities and benefits they offer. KIND energy bars are certainly a great choice for any young person looking to increase the amount of energy that they receive each day.8 KIND kids granola chewy bars are a healthy choice for any parent looking to provide their child with the nutrients that they need.
KIND Kids Granola Chewy Bar Ingredients
One of the biggest things that make KIND kid’s granola bars so different from other brands is that the ingredients in KIND kid’s protein bars are all-natural. The manufacturers do not add any artificial preservatives or colors or flavorings to their products, and there is no whey or casein used.9 All of the ingredients are completely derived from real, whole foods. KIND uses only the best and purest meat and plant sources available and then makes their protein bars with as little processing as possible.
One of the main ingredients that KIND kid’s granola bars use is rice bran oil. This vegetable oil has been used for hundreds of years by the Native Americans for everything from making moccasins to building houses.10 KIND has sourced raw brown rice that has not been grown or harvested in an industrialized factory. They take it from the mountains and sell it as organic in its most natural form. KIND uses this oil in several different forms including a soap they make with it, a lubricant for exercising, and even a coloring agent. Because it is organic, it is guaranteed that the children who have eaten these products will be safe from harmful chemicals found in commercial pet foods.
In addition to the natural ingredients, KIND kids granola bars use lots of real fruit and nuts. When choosing cereals, some parents have had issues with specific brands using preservatives that are questionable or may even be harmful. KIND eliminates all of those risks and has only natural, organic ingredients from the mountains where it gets its seeds.
The Different Flavors of KIND Brand Protein Bars For Kids
For parents who are concerned about the health of their children, KIND brand protein bars for kids are a great option. KIND protein bars are a healthy alternative to traditional protein-based bars. These protein bars contain wholesome natural flavors that are sure to give kids the energy to keep them busy and interested in activities. From their superfruit flavors to their walnut and chocolate flavors, KIND brand protein bars for kids are sure to be enjoyed by parents for years to come.
Many parents mistakenly believe that protein-based bars without flavorings are not really protein-based. This is not true; protein needs to have some type of sweetener to help satisfy the taste buds of children. However, KIND protein bar flavors help to overcome this lack of sweetness. Unlike many common protein-based bars for kids, KIND has several different flavors to choose from including Chocolate, Honey Oat, and peanut butter chocolate. The variety and flavors offered by KIND help parents know that their kids are getting a healthy protein diet with a wide range of delicious flavors to enjoy.
KIND protein bars for kids feature all-natural and organic ingredients. The protein in KIND products is all-natural and is safe for kids to consume. When choosing KIND protein bars for kids, parents should also be sure to consider the fact that these protein bars are low-calorie, high-quality snack foods that are packed full of healthy nutrients. With KIND products, kids get to enjoy a variety of protein-rich flavors that help them stay active while helping to develop their muscles at the same time. KIND protein bars for kids are easy to find at any local nutrition store or at various health food retailers throughout the country.
Kids Should Eat KIND Brand Protein Bars?
Should kids eat KIND brand protein bars? These are the type of questions parents ask their children when they are visiting the pediatrician for a check-up. As parents, we love our kids and want to give them everything they need to grow strong and healthy, but it’s not always easy to figure out what is healthy for kids. We know that exercise is important and we want to give them the physical activities they need to stay fit, but sometimes kids just don’t realize there are better choices for them in terms of nutrition.
If you’re looking for a protein bar for your kids that is good all-around, doesn’t have lots of sugar and fats, and yet provides the necessary amino acids, KIND brand protein bars are the ones for you.11 Not only are they low in fat, but they are also free of trans fat, lactose, high fructose corn syrup, and other common fillers so you know your child will get all the nutrients she needs without worrying about her health. Some kids may be allergic to whey protein so it’s best to avoid those as well but most kids don’t have any.
One of the best reasons to buy KIND brand protein bars is because they are made with kids in mind. The key ingredient is casein, which is a good source of calcium for growing kids. Protein is also an important part of growing bodies so the KIND brand protein bar is fortified with whey protein concentrate to ensure your kids get the essential amino acids they need. They are easy to digest and don’t cause gas or stomach upsets as many other protein powders do. No matter what age you’re starting off with, kids should have protein in their diets even if they are on limited diets. And when they get older, they’ll need even more protein to ensure they stay healthy and strong.
Image Credits
Amazon / 2021
Amazon / 2021
Amazon / 2021
Amazon / 2021
KIND Snacks / 2021
KIND Snacks / 2021
1 “Are Protein Bars Good for You? – Healthline.” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/are-protein-bars-good-for-you Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
2 “4 Benefits of High Protein Nutrition Bars – PureFit Nutrition.” 16 Feb. 2018, https://purefit.com/blogs/purefit-nutrition-bars-news/high-protein-nutrition-bars-benefits Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
3 “Good Source of Protein – Find Your Snacks | KIND Snacks.” https://www.kindsnacks.com/ways-to-snack/by-benefit/good-source-protein/ Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
4 “Are Protein Bars a Healthy Choice for On-the-Go Kids? – UNL Food.” https://food.unl.edu/free-resources/newsletters/family-fun-run/are-protein-bars-healthy-choice-go-kids Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
5 “The Best Protein Bars for Kids – Verywell Fit.” 18 Nov. 2020, https://www.verywellfit.com/best-protein-bars-for-kids-4145809 Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
6 “What Parents Should Look for in Kid-Friendly Protein Bars.” 20 Feb. 2018, https://redtri.com/can-kids-eat-protein-bars-what-to-look-for/ Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
7 “How to Promote Your Child’s Digestive Health – WebMD.” 6 Feb. 2012, https://www.webmd.com/children/features/digestive-health Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
8 “High-Fiber Foods for Kids: 10 Tasty Ideas – Healthline.” 8 Mar. 2016, https://www.healthline.com/health/parenting/high-fiber-foods-for-kids Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
9 “Why Casein Is One of The Best Proteins You Can Take – Healthline.” 16 Sep. 2016, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/casein-protein-is-highly-underrated Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
10 “Native American foods: History, culture, and influence on modern ….” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352618116300750 Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.
11 “Amino acids: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.” 2 Feb. 2019, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002222.htm Accessed 28 Jul. 2021.