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The importance of protein in a diet is well known. Protein is a good food group which should always be included in a daily diet despite the optimum level being different according to various factors. An active adult needs to eat around sixty to eighty grams of protein per day.
Ideally, an active person should consume two protein-rich meals each day. These proteins will provide energy and the body will need these proteins for muscle pumping and repairing.1 When protein is consumed it is broken down into several compounds called peptides and the most important of these are considered essential amino acids (EAAs). When there is an acute bout of exercise, especially if the diet is high in protein foods, the body releases these EAAs in very high amounts. The result is the need to replenish the intake of these amino acids with the help of protein supplements.2
Various conditions such as sickness, injuries, and surgery can cause the body to make less protein or not enough of them at all. It may take a while for these conditions to correct themselves as the body tries to repair whatever has been broken down but it is better to take precautions in the meantime than to suffer from any long-term damage. Since the majority of our body is made up of water, this makes it easier for protein to be absorbed into the bloodstream where it is needed most. However, if protein intake is too low or too much, this can have a negative effect on health.
Is Eating A Protein Bar Three Times a Day Good For You?
One of the most popular questions concerning diet and weight loss is: is eating a protein bar three times a day good? In a word – yes! When you consume three different kinds of protein, your body will have three kinds of enzymes – one that breaks down the protein, one that absorbs it, and another that helps your muscles repair damaged tissue. In a recent study done at the University of Wisconsin, researchers found that those who ate at least three protein bars a day reduced their body fat and added lean muscle mass. And the weight loss didn’t stop there – when they were given a control group who were given nothing but milk, they still lost more weight than the group who were eating a protein bar.
If consuming protein bars three times a day is good for you, then why don’t more people do it? Well, while the original protein bar may be the perfect protein bar (and we’re not talking about the kind with all the sugar), most people find that consuming a quality protein supplement or an actual protein shake is much better for their bodies. Protein shakes used to be considered the “gold standard” in fitness and health – nowadays, there are dozens of varieties available, so picking the right one can be a matter of taste. While some protein bars do taste good, many protein shakes are made with ingredients that are not only healthy but are also tasty and make for a delicious post-workout snack.
Another reason why eating three times a day is good for you is because you will have plenty of energy to get through your day. Many people eat protein bars during the day, but there’s usually nothing left for an evening meal – at least not in the form of something good. By eating a quality protein supplement with a shake, you can get an hour or two of healthy, protein-rich food in front of you, giving you the energy you need to get through your workday. After that, you can sit down and enjoy your protein-rich shake – or several, if you like.
What Are the Benefits of Eating High Protein Diets?
High protein diets have become very popular over the last ten years or so. The reason for this is because many people have started to suffer from ailments that were blamed on high protein diets.
As you can see, there are many benefits of eating high protein diets. These benefits do not come overnight. You need to dedicate yourself to a high protein diet for a period of time. After a while, you should notice a positive change and you will then be able to enjoy the many benefits of high protein diets. The benefits of high protein diets are well known and accepted. They have been around for years, and have helped people lose weight in the past. But recently there have been studies conducted that are raising questions about their effectiveness as a long-term weight-loss strategy. Do they really work?3
The research indicates that the benefits of high protein diets are mostly theoretical. This means that there is no factual evidence that they will actually help you to lose weight. In some cases, it was found that people on high protein diets had an increased risk of heart disease. But the increased risk seemed to be short-lived. Most people on these high protein diets were not consuming enough healthy foods to reduce their risk of heart disease anyway.4
Most of the benefits of high-fiber diets focus on increasing your daily protein intake. There is much evidence that protein is needed to maintain health and that high fiber intakes help to keep your blood glucose levels stable while you are active. There is also some evidence that high-fiber diets reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. And it is well known that when combined with regular exercise daily, high-fiber diets can help you lose a significant amount of weight.5
One area where the benefits of high protein diets are being explored is in the area of cancer prevention. The benefits of high protein diets have been proposed to be important in the prevention of cancer. This is because high-protein diets have been shown to lower the risks of several types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer, renal cell cancer, and bladder cancer.
Although the benefits of high protein diets seem clear, there is some controversy associated with their consumption. One area of controversy is that it is possible that high protein diets have an effect on the prostate. Some studies have shown that, in men, animal protein may play a role in the formation of prostate tumors. Other research indicates that red meat, but not white meat, may play a role in the development of these tumors. But the evidence is not conclusive.
Another area of controversy surrounds the benefits of this type of diet. Some people argue that high-fiber foods like beans and nuts are much healthier than red meat or processed meat products. They argue that these products contain more fiber, which helps to keep the colon healthy, than red meat. Similarly, the consumption of fish has also been suggested as a healthier alternative to red meat.
The Side Effects Of Over Consuming Protein
There are many dangers of overconsuming protein. If you are a person who is fond of protein overconsumption then you should know the various side effects of overconsumption of protein. However, if you do not consume any kind of protein supplement then you can also face these same dangers of side effects of over-consuming protein. Overconsumption of protein can also result in various other kinds of side effects such as hair loss, increased appetite, and weight gain.6
One of the most common side effects of overconsuming protein is acne. This is due to the high level of cholesterol in our bodies. The cholesterol tends to stay on our skin for longer periods of time. When this cholesterol builds up in our skin it can lead to pimples. Sometimes people may suffer from severe acne which may even lead to severe scars.7 This is known to be one of the main side effects of overconsuming protein.
Weight gain is another side effect of overconsuming protein. You tend to gain weight when you consume more protein than what you are capable of burning. Thus, you may end up gaining weight if you continue with your protein intake. This can be very dangerous because you may tend to develop heart disease or a kidney disorder at an early age. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your protein intake to prevent the side effects of overconsuming protein.
Hair thinning is also one of the side effects of overconsumption of protein. This is known to be caused by the excess level of testosterone in our body. This hormone will tend to affect the hair follicles and will eventually cause hair loss. This can also be very dangerous if you do not treat it in time because you may also develop other serious side effects such as diabetes.8
Kidney disease is also one of the side effects of overconsuming protein because it can cause a person’s bones to become weak. This may lead to bone fractures which may result in broken bones. As a result, a person may suffer from frequent kidney infections which will only make matters worse. The side effects may range from the above-mentioned to the more serious ones mentioned such as kidney failure.9
Benefits Of Eating Protein Bars
For those who have been questioning if protein bars are really healthy, the answer can be quite clear. Yes, indeed they are. Rather than purchasing expensive protein bars from the local drug store, fuel up your workout routine with this fantastic homemade energy bar concoction. Not only will you get to taste and try the protein bars in your own home, but you will also be helping out others who suffer from various diseases including allergies or low blood sugar.
One reason why protein bars are more nutritious than ordinary protein powder is because it contains complete protein, which means that there are no fats or carbs included, making it a much healthier option for people on a diet. Protein powder on the other hand is usually high in calories and carbohydrates, causing people to eat large quantities of these products in order to meet their daily nutritional requirements. With protein bars, you get to enjoy the benefits of eating natural foods yet still feel satisfied as you have fewer calories to fill up on. It can even be taken in pill form so you don’t have to wait to get your needed nutrients. If taken in pill form, it can help reduce weight because it’s high in protein and burns off excess calories fast.
So the next time you want to kick up your workout routine and start feeling healthier, give protein bars a try. Not only will you get to taste and try these wonderful protein bars, you will also be supporting the well-being of people who are less privileged than you. Not only does it provide them with the benefits of eating whole foods, but it also gives them the benefits of having a healthy diet by providing them with enough time to exercise.
Image Credits
Healthily / Google Stock Images
The Statesman / Google Stock Images
The Independent / Google Stock Images
Gym Beam / 2021
FDW Fuel / 2021
1 “Essential Amino Acids: Definition, Benefits and Food Sources.” 12 Jun. 2018, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/essential-amino-acids Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
2 “What Does an Essential Amino Acid (EAA) Supplement Do?.” https://modernsportsnutrition.com/blogs/modern-sports-nutrition-blog/what-does-an-essential-amino-acid-eaa-supplement-do Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
3 “High-Protein Diets: Do They Work? – WebMD.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-high-protein-diet Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
4 “High-Protein Diet for Weight Loss – WebMD.” 16 Nov. 2020, https://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/high-protein-diet-weight-loss Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
5 “High-protein diet: Foods and how to do it – Medical News Today.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324915 Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
6 “How do you know if you are eating too much protein?.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322825 Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
7 “6 Signs You Could Be Eating Too Much Protein | EatingWell.” 30 May. 2019, https://www.eatingwell.com/article/291875/6-signs-you-could-be-eating-too-much-protein/ Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
8 “Adverse Effects Associated with Protein Intake above – NCBI.” 27 Jun. 2013, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4045293/ Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.
9 “Kidney Failure (ESRD) Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments.” 8 Jun. 2021, https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/kidney-failure/ Accessed 10 Nov. 2021.