Many children suffer from Celiac Disease, a severe intolerance to gluten. This can make it hard for them to find snacks at school that are safe and healthy. However, there are many gluten-free options available on the market today.1 Celiac Disease is a digestive autoimmune disease in which the human body incorrectly attacks itself within the lining of the small intestines. It damages the small intestines causing weight loss, diarrhea, fatigue, and chronic pain. If eating gluten causes you to feel too uncomfortable, then it is probably best to tell your physician first. Before starting a gluten-free diet it is important to make sure that your doctor has cleared you to do so.2
There are many different foods that are considered gluten-free for people who need to follow this diet. While eating these types of foods is important to keep the diet balanced and you avoid cross-contamination with food from the wrong brand or type of grain, there are fruits and vegetables that are considered safe or beneficial to use when eating a gluten-free diet.3
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It is the main ingredient in bread and originated in ancient Egypt. Over time it was discovered to be very unhealthy and since then has been banned around the world. But now we can get our gluten-free products at a better price. Some of these products have gluten removed but you can still eat them if you are careful.
What is a Gluten Free Diet?
A gluten free diet is an extreme version of a balanced diet. This type of diet has been increasingly popular in recent years as more people are diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, a genetic autoimmune disease which attacks the digestive system. A gluten-free diet can be difficult to stick to because it is literally a lifestyle change. Many people find that while their symptoms may be under control they still have occasional uncomfortable “crashes” where the symptoms come back at any moment. For these people a gluten free diet is the best option for them.
A gluten free diet is basically a gluten-free diet, however it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t eat gluten products. Most people find that it’s not possible to eat as much gluten free food as they used to when they first started following this type of diet. This is due to the fact that processed foods often contain ingredients like wheat, barley, and rye, all of which can cause symptoms if taken in large quantities.4 Gluten free foods are those which do not contain any of the main protein groups (wheat, gluten, and refined flour) which are sometimes included in regular diets.
The Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet
Those who suffer from the disease that affects the small intestines may find that the benefits of a gluten-free diet are life saving. Gluten free food lacks gluten in the gluten protein, which is usually found in barley and wheat, including pizza, bread and pasta. In addition, it lacks the fat and sodium that usually come with those foods. It is a good idea to find a food that contains as few of these as possible.5 If you have celiac disease or an allergy to wheat, barley, rice and other grains, you may want to avoid foods like pizza, muffins, cookies, bread, pretzels, granola bars, cereals, pasta, pizzas, soups, sauces, processed foods and others.
There are several benefits of being gluten free. While the diet isn’t right for everyone, it has benefits for many. If you are suffering from digestive problems, weight issues, skin problems, arthritis and other ailments, the benefits of a gluten-free diet are well documented. In fact, the benefits of starting the diet can improve your health and well-being.6
One of the major benefits of starting the diet is that it can help your digestion. As your digestion begins to function properly you will notice an increase in weight, more energy, clearer skin, less bloating, better digestion, improved joints, more absorption of nutrients and vitamins and a decrease in constipation and other intestinal troubles. Some of the common benefits of starting the diet include healthier skin, a decrease in joint pain, clearer and healthier hair, fewer colds and flu’s, improved memory and concentration, fewer allergy symptoms and more. The benefits don’t stop there!
When you eat gluten-free products, you also avoid a number of potential health risks.7 For example, those with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance are at a much higher risk for diabetes. Those who are gluten intolerant are at a risk for increased risk of heart disease, stroke and obesity. Those who have gluten intolerance are also more likely to experience irritable bowel syndrome, depression and other mood disorders. With so many different diseases out there and so many lifestyle choices affected by it, why not take a few extra minutes to consider adding gluten to your menu planning? Your body will thank you!
The Best Gluten Free Snacks for Kids
If you’ve been trying to control your children’s food intake, you know how difficult it can be. Between the busy day-to-day schedule, homework, soccer practice, etc., it’s easy to just let things slide for a few minutes and get right back to work. You may even try to pop in some sugar-free sweets once in a while to help curb that hunger pang. But did you know that there are some great gluten-free snacks for kids that you can make from scratch that won’t hurt your kids while still being incredibly tasty?
Gluten free snacks for kids are perfect for those times when you want to keep things low in sugar, but still get the nutrients that your kid needs. These snacks for kids are made from real foods that your child is sure to love. Whether you eat gluten free yourself or not, you’ll love these snacks!
Benefits of Fruit As a Snack For Kids
There are many benefits of fruit as a snack for kids, and parents should know them all. Fruit should be a healthier alternative to chips or other processed foods that your kids eat. Fresh fruit can be enjoyed by a number of age groups and your kids will love eating them without guilt.8
Parents have been giving benefits of fruit as a snack for kids for generations, but it has only been in recent years that more health conscious parents have started including fruits in their children’s snacks. Fruit is great for weight loss and can help regulate your blood sugar, especially in children. Fruits also provide valuable amounts of vitamins A, C, D and E, which helps prevent allergies and can strengthen the immune system.9
Fruit provides extra vitamins and minerals that you might not get from eating vegetables, which can help to prevent the negative side effects that some veggies can cause your child. Finally, it is great for kids to snack on fruits since they can enjoy an assortment of flavors from berry, banana, grapefruit to more exotic flavors.
The Benefits Of Beef Jerky For Children
As you probably know, beef jerky is great food that can be used by young and old without having to worry about any negative consequences. However, one of the benefits of beef jerky as a snack for kids is that it is very convenient to prepare and there are many different types of beef jerky to choose from. This will allow your children to pick and choose what they want when it comes to their snacks.
The second benefit of beef jerky as a snack for children is that you don’t need them to make a huge effort in order to enjoy it. Simply marinate the meat in some soy sauce and pepper and let it cook on the grill until the jerky becomes nice and tender. Since it doesn’t require a lot of effort or clean up, you will be able to serve it right out of the fridge. In addition, this type of jerky is very affordable and you won’t have to spend a lot of money on beef jerky snacks for children in order to get them started.10
The last benefit of beef jerky for children is that it is very tasty and you will be able to convince them to eat it. It is difficult to find gluten-free snacks that taste good and are not expensive. In addition, if you purchase gluten free jerky, you can be sure that it is free of any harmful chemicals.11 Many parents don’t think their child is going to enjoy eating gluten free foods, but if you convince them, they will eat the stuff. Also, most children will be pretty excited about the idea of being able to eat foods that are good for them and don’t cost a lot of money.12
The Benefits of Protein Shakes As a Snack For Kids
Kids nowadays who are health conscious are often asking what the benefits of protein shakes as a snack for kids are. There have been numerous researches on this matter, which all point to the fact that a proper protein shake is a healthy snack for kids to take because it does contain essential vitamins and minerals which are very important for young bodies that are growing. Plus, these types of protein shakes are able to provide a child with all of the essential amino acids that he or she needs in order to grow and develop properly.13
Aside from those three benefits of protein shakes as a snack for kids, there are several others that a parent can consider.14 One of those benefits of protein shakes as a snack for kids is that they are able to provide children with the vitamins and nutrients that he or she would not get from eating a solid meal. This is due to the fact that a protein shake contains all of the vitamins and nutrients that your child needs in order to grow and develop properly. Plus, there is also the benefit of protein shake being portable, which is why it is always good to consider it. You do not have to worry about the child not liking his or her food because you can simply take the shake outside in the backyard. This way, your child will be able to continue to enjoy his or her favorite protein shake even if there are other foods in front of him or her.15
Another benefit of protein shakes as a snack for kids is that they do taste good. Although there are children who have some aversion towards this type of food, it does not mean that you cannot make it taste good. All you need to do is to add some fruit and yogurt into the mix. As a result, you will be able to provide your child with a healthy shake that he or she will surely love and continue eating it every time you give it to them. The benefits of protein shakes as a snack for kids are too many for you to not include it in your shopping list.
Image Credits
Lybrate / 2021
In, On, Around / June 10, 2021
Pexels / May 24, 2018
Pexels / March 31, 2020
Pexels / March 5, 2019
1 “Gluten-free diet – Mayo Clinic.”
Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
2 “Gluten-Free Diet: Foods to Avoid, Foods You Can Eat, Benefits ….” 6 Dec. 2019, Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
3 “Popular Gluten-Free Foods for Gluten-Free Diets – WebMD.” Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
4 “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Rye, The World’s Most Underrated ….” 1 Mar. 2013, Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
5 “10 Supercharged Health Benefits of Eating a Gluten-Free Diet ….” 28 Jun. 2019, Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
6 “Gluten-Free Diet Plan: What to Eat, What to Avoid – Healthline.” Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
7 “Three reasons to go gluten free and three reasons not to ….” Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
8 “Food for Children: Why Fruits and Vegetables Are Important ….””> Accessed 9 Aug.
9 “Children’s diet – fruit and vegetables – Better Health Channel.” Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
10 “Is Beef Jerky a Healthy Snack? – Public Goods Blog.” 26 Aug. 2019, Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
11 “The 5 Best Jerkys According to a Dietitian – Verywell Fit.” Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
12 “Healthy Beef Jerky? Meet Your New High-Protein Snack.” Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
13 “Protein for Children: Health Benefits, Requirement & Food Sources.” 4 Jul. 2018, Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
14 “Protein for Child Development | Abbott Nutrition.” 8 Aug. 2018, Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.
15 “Protein – Healthy Kids Association.” Accessed 9 Aug. 2021.