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It can be really difficult to figure out why we get food cravings and how to break them. There are no specific reasons that you might get a food craving, it could just be your body telling you that it needs something to eat. There are two parts to this though. The first part is that the craving is there and that it probably won’t go away in a hurry. The second part is that you need to take action to satisfy this craving so that it doesn’t linger and get worse.
Food cravings tend to be very common, with over 90% of the population experiencing them at some point. Each individual experiences food cravings differently, however, they are usually temporary and very often only for processed, high in fat, sugar, and unhealthy foods.1 One of the most common reasons that people have food cravings is nutrient deficiencies. Nutrient deficiencies can be caused by not getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals in your diet or eating the wrong kinds of food. Over time food cravings usually go away as long as you get the correct amount of the nutrients that you are missing.2
Another reason that people may get food cravings is because of their stress levels. People tend to have increased levels of stress while on a diet. If the diet is not going well for some reason, people may feel more stressed and have a higher risk of craving food. Stress can also cause changes in your hormones, including increased hunger. But, could lack of protein trigger certain cravings as well?
Why Do Some People Crave Meat?
There are many questions that are commonly asked in relation to the question of why do some people crave meat. There are also many studies that have been conducted to try and unravel the mystery behind the issue but to no avail. There is, however, one fact that can be stated and this fact is that human beings have always had an inherent need to eat meat. There was not a single human species that did not have a need for meat. Now if someone were to suggest to a person that their craving for meat came from a neurological deficiency then this person might not be believed.3
Now it has been proven that people who are deficient in neurochemicals such as dopamine do tend to crave different foods. Now, this does not mean that meat is the only thing that they crave, but it is a definite connection between the two. What this means is that there is a link between the dopamine that is missing and the craving for meat. This is a very basic example of how food cravings can be hard-wired into the brain.
Possible Triggers For Meat Craving
One of the possible triggers for meat craving is a deficiency of Zinc, Iron, and other essential nutrients. Lack of Zinc can cause frequent fatigue, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, insomnia, and mood swings. Lack of vitamin B12 is also a possible reason for this condition. Vitamin B12 is essential to maintain muscle protein synthesis and utilization. Hypocalcemia and iron deficiency leads to chronic fatigue syndrome and deficiency of zinc and magnesium can lead to Zinc deficiency and low iron status.4
Other deficiencies can include Vitamin D deficiency or anemia. Vitamin D deficiency leads to osteoporosis and some cancers.5 A diet lacking Vitamin B12 or Iron leads to chronic fatigue syndrome and muscle cramps. Iron deficiency can lead to kidney disease and anemia is a common cause of muscle cramps. Anemia is a condition where the red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen.
There are many possible triggers for meat-eating and identifying and eliminating these triggers will reduce the risk of developing this condition. It is important to develop healthy eating habits that will lead to a healthy lifestyle. A trigger is only a potential trigger if it has not been identified and is being actively used as a motivator for an eating pattern.
Dangers of Lack of Protein
There are many things that cause people to have low levels of protein in their body, such as insufficient dieting habits, being on certain medications that affect protein absorption, or a poor gene pool. One thing that most people do not realize is that lack of protein can also be caused by a lack of proper exercise and working out too much. A lack of protein is one of the most common causes of weight gain, weakness, lack of energy, and fatigue among other things.6 Many people do not realize that lack of protein triggering cravings can also cause them to gain excess fat and other unhealthy attributes that can put their health at risk. Here are some of the dangers of lack of protein triggering cravings and how to stop them.7
Lack of protein can cause the body to crave unhealthy foods that can lead to gaining weight. This can trigger the body to consume more unhealthy foods that can increase the amount of fat and other undesirable attributes that the person has. It is vital to make sure that one gets enough protein, either through eating a healthy diet or through protein supplements for those who have a lack of protein in their diet or body. The lack of protein can cause the person’s lack of stamina and strength as well, which can lead to an increase in fat stores and an increase in body weight.
Those who have a lack of protein in their body are also at a greater risk for developing illnesses like cancer, HIV, osteoporosis, and diabetes. This is because lack of protein can trigger the release of estrogen, which can increase the risk of developing these illnesses. It is essential for those with a lack of protein to get enough iron to keep their immune system working properly and to reduce the risks for these diseases and other health problems.
Iron Supplements and Meats – Understanding Your Meat Cravings
There are many different things that can cause a lack of iron in the body. Because lack of iron can often be felt just after a meal, it is important to address this problem before it causes serious illness. Some symptoms of lack of iron in the body are headaches, lack of appetite, weak nails and hair, frequent urination and constipation, lack of energy and mood swings, lack of interest in sex, lack of memory, and lack of mental focus. Of course, these symptoms can also be caused by other problems as well, but if you find that you are constantly feeling fatigued or lacking in good health, it may be time to look into iron deficiency. One of the dangers of lack of iron triggering cravings is that it can often be a symptom itself of an underlying illness such as anemia. It is important to know if you are at risk for lack of iron or another illness because lack of iron can actually lead to death if left untreated.8
It is important to make sure that you get a proper diagnosis from your doctor if you think that you have a lack of iron in your system. Iron deficiency can cause symptoms ranging anywhere from anemia to convulsions and even coma. Another serious lack of iron deficiency is anemia, which can cause the brain to function improperly and affect your vision.9 The consequences of both anemia and lack of iron in the body can range from fatigue, weakness, cramping pains, and numbness in the extremities to seizures and even death.
If you think you have a lack of iron in your body, it is important to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor as soon as possible. This will ensure that you receive the proper treatment in the shortest amount of time possible. If you do suffer from a lack of iron and don’t treat it correctly it could lead to a life-threatening condition known as anemia. Anemia is known to be very serious because anemia can prevent the brain from functioning properly which could end up causing loss of consciousness and death in extreme cases.
Can the Lack of Zinc Trigger Meat Cravings?
Have you wondered to yourself “can the lack of zinc trigger meat cravings”? There is a strong connection between zinc and appetite. In fact, a recent study done in the UK proved that a deficiency of zinc actually increased the risk of experiencing an increase in eating, drinking, smoking, and using drugs for addiction.10 In this case, it was concluded that the lack of zinc had indeed caused an increase in eating, drinking, and drug use; all of which are classic signs of an addictive personality and behavior pattern.11
It has been noted by many researchers over the years that people who have low zinc levels in their bodies tend to suffer from an inability to lose weight, experience fatigue more often, have low energy levels, and experience mood swings. This is because when there is a deficiency of zinc, the body cannot absorb enough protein and other vitamins to maintain normal function. Zinc usually comes from plant sources such as nuts and seeds. These sources are not bio-available to people with a zinc deficiency. And because people are not able to properly absorb Zinc, they experience an increase in appetite, which often leads to overeating, a condition known as obesity.
So if you suffer from obesity and believe that you may be craving meat, it is time to learn about the benefits of increasing your zinc intake. A proper diet full of foods rich in protein and other vitamins can help prevent your body from experiencing a zinc deficiency. And the good news is, zinc levels can be replenished by consuming certain meats. Chicken, turkey, and beef are great options for increasing zinc levels in your body.
Image Credits
Master Class / August 11, 2021
Plant-Based News / January 3, 2021
Presswire18 / June 22, 2021
Lybrate / 2021
Strong Chiropractic / March 20, 2019
1 “Slideshow Food Cravings That Wreck Your Diet – WebMD.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/food-cravings-diet-wreckers </a Accessed 20 Aug. 2021.
2 “7 Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Incredibly Common | Healthline.” 21 May. 2019, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-common-nutrient-deficiencies </a Accessed 20 Aug. 2021.
3 “Is Your Body Trying to Tell You Something Possible Nutrient.” 15 Mar. 2021, https://www.eatright.org/food/vitamins-and-supplements/types-of-vitamins-and-nutrients/is-your-body-trying-to-tell-you-something-common-nutrient-inadequacies-and-deficiencies </a Accessed 20 Aug. 2021.
4 “Hypocalcemia: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Etiology.” 30 Jul. 2021, https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/241893-overview </aAccessed 20 Aug. 2021.
5 “Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms & Treatment – Cleveland Clinic.” 16 Oct. 2019, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/15050-vitamin-d–vitamin-d-deficiency </aAccessed 20 Aug. 2021.
6 “Protein Deficiency: 7 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough – WebMD.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-not-enough-protein-signs </aAccessed 20 Aug. 2021.
7 “The Effects of Protein Deficiency – Verywell Fit.” https://www.verywellfit.com/what-are-the-effects-of-protein-deficiency-4160404 </aAccessed 20 Aug. 2021.
8 “Iron, Meat and Health – NCBI.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3257743/ </aAccessed 20 Aug. 2021.
9 “12 Healthy Foods That Are High in Iron – Healthline.” 27 Jan. 2020, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/healthy-iron-rich-foods </aAccessed 20 Aug. 2021.
10 “Ten Surprising Signs You’re Deficient in Zinc – Poliquin Group.” 4 Aug. 2015, https://www.poliquingroup.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/PrinterFriendly.aspx?ID=1356&lang=EN </aAccessed 20 Aug. 2021.
11 “17 Signs That You May Be Zinc Deficient | Foodal.” 11 Jan. 2017, https://foodal.com/knowledge/paleo/signs-you-may-be-zinc-deficient/ </a Accessed 20 Aug. 2021.