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The fitness industry is in a constant state of change, and with it, the products we use for our workouts. The food labels on these products are not static either; they’re constantly being updated to keep up with new research on nutrition.
How do you know when a label’s been updated? And how can you trust that the product has actually changed? Can you trust nutrition labels that are found on your favorite protein bars? This is a question that has been asked and answered over again. The truth is, most people can’t. We are all humans and while nutrition is important, the types of food that we put into our bodies are more important than we might think.
There are protein bars in grocery stores but there are also whole food shakes, protein drinks, fruit juices, and a variety of different products that we might put into our mouths and not even realize what it is in them.
Think about it for a second. How many times have you bought or purchased a product and read the ingredients listed on the label? Chances are that you may have bought more than one item from the same brand because the nutritional information was inconsistent. If it is inconsistent, it means that you will either have to guess at the content of the item or look it up online. If you go to a store to buy private label protein bars, chances are the nutritional information is there and you can rely on that or look it up online anyway.
The problem with looking at nutritional labels and believing them is that they are written by someone who does not know the nutritional value of the foods that they list. They work for the major manufacturers of diet products because it is financially convenient for them to list whatever they want on the packaging because they are selling diet products.
Nutrition labels can be confusing and many people don’t read them carefully. Some of the foods that are sold in grocery stores look good and sound good but they actually contain hidden ingredients. If you are shopping for diet products, make sure that you are comparing like items. You should look for nutrition facts on all of the ingredients on the back of the packaging to make sure that you are buying the right product.1 Do your research before you buy and don’t rely on the salesperson to do it. Check the label for all of the information and remember that nutrition facts are important but not nearly as important as the facts that you need to lose weight.2
Can You Trust Nutrition Labels?
As we become more aware of the chemicals and substances in our food, we are becoming more concerned about what we’re putting into our bodies. We’re also seeing a trend toward purchasing organic and natural foods and products, which are becoming more popular because of their nutritional value and their environmental benefits.
While protein bars can be healthy and beneficial, it’s important to remember that there are many artificial ingredients and contaminants found in all types of protein-based foods.3
Just because you trust a nutrition product does not mean that you can just load up on them and feel good about what you’re doing. Even if a product has been deemed healthy and trustworthy by your doctor or a nutritionist, you should still read the label and be sure that there aren’t any artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors in the product that you wouldn’t normally find in the food. When you’re buying protein bars or other protein-based foods and drinks, pay close attention to the ingredients list and read the nutrition information. You want to be sure that the products that you’re buying are as healthy and nutritious as possible.>4
The bottom line is that protein is essential to building strong muscles and maintaining health, so the best way to make sure that you’re getting all the protein that you need is to buy nutrition bars or protein drink nutrition labels. By taking the time to read the label of each protein product you buy, you’ll be able to choose the ones that offer the most nutrition and the least amount of artificial ingredients.
The Most Important Ingredients Found in Protein Bars
There are so many different brands of protein-based health and nutrition bars on the market today that it can be hard to decide which ones are the most important ingredients.
- Protein – This is the most common ingredient in any type of protein bar. It is the building block of all muscles and tissues. Protein is the building block of growth hormones. If you don’t get enough proteins during the day, then you will look and feel older before your time.5
- Creatine Monohydrate – This is another great ingredient on the market today. It provides more energy and will help increase your metabolism.6It’s also great for anyone who is trying to lose weight. If you do an intense workout like bodybuilding or weightlifting, then creatine monohydrate can help increase the intensity of the workout. It increases the amount of energy you have and can make you burn more calories during the workout.<7
- Macadamia Oil – One of the most important ingredients found in any protein supplement is this type of oil. Macadamia oil raises your HDL and lowers your LDL. It is the perfect addition to any nutrition label ingredients because it is not saturated at all, and it helps to keep your heart healthy. This ingredient is very high quality and will leave your body with a wonderful oily feeling.8
- Yacon Syrup – This is another ingredient that is found in almost every bar of protein supplement. The Yacon syrup is an interesting addition to the ingredients in protein bars. It is like the syrup that you would use for pancakes. You add some Yacon syrup to your shake or mix it in with some fruit. It tastes delicious!
When looking for the most important ingredients found in protein bars, you want to make sure that you get something that is natural and will give you the results you are looking for. Many of the products on the market that claim to contain whey protein, but are really nothing more than a sugar pill, will leave you disappointed. There are so many different options on the market today that you can choose the one that is best for you and your weight loss goals. If you take the time to do the research and look around at the different products out there, you will soon find the perfect protein supplement for you. Once you do, you can start to lose the weight you want to lose and feel great!
What Ingredients and Nutritional Information Should Cause Concern?
What ingredients and nutritional information should cause concern for you? The first thing to consider is, of course, the label. It’s easy to say, “Don’t throw out all of your vitamins and other nutrients.” That’s good advice, but the problem comes when there’s a nutritional label on a product that you buy, even if it’s just a protein bar. There are some things that you need to be concerned with.
When it comes to protein bars, the first ingredient listed should be the protein isolate. The next ingredient, if it’s not whey, should be an ingredient that your body can tolerate. Some common choices are eggs, chicken, fish, or soy. Don’t ignore the fat content either. Fat is a serious concern and should not be included in any of these products.9
These types of products should contain the essential vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids that your body needs for optimal health. They should also be manufactured in a reliable, consistent manner. The last thing that you want is a product that will not hold up over time. That’s just bad business. So, before you buy a protein bar, take a little time to learn about the ingredients and nutritional information that you’re dealing with.
What is the Best Amount of Protein in a Protein Bar?
Finding out what is the best amount of protein in a protein bar can be difficult because most protein bars contain varying amounts of protein per serving size. The average protein content in a protein bar can range anywhere from 10 grams to 30 g. For those who are following high protein weight training programs, anything from 10 to 20 grams is ideal.10
If you are trying to lose weight, the best protein content that you can have in a bar or powder is one gram. This will provide your body with a steady stream of amino acids that it can use for energy and to repair cells that have been damaged by intense exercise. Your carbohydrates will also be used by your body to produce glycogen which provides you with energy. However, the quality carbohydrates in your protein bar should be higher than those in the typical American diet.
Most protein bars that you see on the shelves are made with simple high-quality ingredients. These ingredients are easily available at the grocery store and do not cost much to produce. If you can find a place that sells organic and natural products, then this is even better. The problem comes when you find a store that uses chemicals and other synthetic ingredients in all of their products. Many of these chemicals and synthetics end up sitting in our bodies and doing nothing good for us.
One of the best protein supplements that you can buy is from whey. It contains casein, which is another form of protein that is much higher than that found in most protein bars or any other whole foods that I can name. This is great because it helps to increase the protein absorption rate in your body. This increased absorption rate will help you grow lean muscle mass. When we are young, our body produces large amounts of glycogen and this is what fuels our muscle growth, however, as we get older, our bodies produce smaller amounts of glycogen, and our ability to gain lean muscle mass decreases. 11
In order to find a high-quality protein source, you should consult with an expert or consult a nutritionist who is familiar with the best sources for protein. If you stick with a good brand, you should be able to find a protein bar that can meet your daily protein needs and can help you reach your ideal weight.
Image Credits
Amazon / 2021
Food Navigator USA / June 25, 2018
Medlife / September 17, 2019
Fittr / May 18, 2020
1 “How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label | FDA.” 11 Mar. 2020, https://www.fda.gov/food/new-nutrition-facts-label/how-understand-and-use-nutrition-facts-label Accessed 18 May. 2021.
2 “Interactive Nutrition Facts Label – US Food and Drug Administration.” https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/interactivenutritionfactslabel/ Accessed 18 May. 2021.
3 “Understanding Food Nutrition Labels | American Heart Association.” 6 Mar. 2018, https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/nutrition-basics/understanding-food-nutrition-labels Accessed 18 May. 2021.
4 “Learn How the NEW Nutrition Facts Label Can Help You Improve ….” https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/strategies-guidelines/nutrition-facts-label.html Accessed 18 May. 2021.
5 “Protein: Why Your Body Needs It – WebMD.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/benefits-protein Accessed 18 May. 2021.
6 “5 Reasons Why Creatine Monohydrate Is the Best – Healthline.” 29 Jul. 2017, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/creatine-monohydrate-is-best Accessed 18 May. 2021.
7 “Creatine 101 — What Is It and What Does It Do? – Healthline.” 25 Oct. 2018, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-is-creatine Accessed 18 May. 2021.
8 “Can You Use Macadamia Oil for Hair? Benefits, Risks, and How-To.” https://www.healthline.com/health/macadamia-oil-for-hair Accessed 18 May. 2021.
9 “Types of Fat in Food: Understanding the Different Dietary Fats.” 18 Aug. 2020, https://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/types-fat-in-foods Accessed 18 May. 2021.
10 “Protein Intake — How Much Protein Should You Eat per Day?.” 1 Oct. 2020, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-protein-per-day Accessed 18 May. 2021.
11 “The Role of Glycogen in Diet and Exercise – Verywell Fit.” 9 May. 2019, https://www.verywellfit.com/what-is-glycogen-2242008 Accessed 18 May. 2021.