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The importance of healthy skin is often undervalued and people often don’t pay enough attention to it. Healthy skin leads to a healthy body because it is the covering of the body that protects all internal organs. It is a thin barrier that covers the digestive tract and prevents toxic substances from entering the body. Healthy skin also aids in the absorption of nutrients and keeps the body in good shape. If the body is not healthy it starts to malfunction and you start to feel the effects.1
When it comes to looking after the skin we often forget about the importance of healthy skincare. It’s the covering of the organs that we need to look after and ensure that the vital organs are working at their optimum levels. Without the covering, the organs get disturbed and start to perform badly. Healthy skin also helps to make life better for the person by preventing all manner of diseases.2 Maintaining healthy skin from childhood helps make life easier for the person today, and is a major key to good health.
Wearing sunscreen on a daily basis is an important part of a good skincare routine but we often forget the importance of healthy skin when we are exposed to the elements. We all know that the harmful rays of the sun can cause dryness and damage to the skin but many of us just wear sunscreen without paying much attention to the fact that the sun also has a powerful influence on the body and aging is no exception. People who don’t take the time to protect themselves from the sun are often found to suffer from premature aging. Taking steps to protect yourself from the damaging effects of the sun can make a huge difference in your overall health. Not only will you look better but you will also feel better too!
Bulletproof Collagen Protein Bars
This particular product is all the rage at the moment because it’s being promoted as a must-have for all people looking to clean their skin while still getting the correct amounts of protein in a diet. The main reason why a lot of people like to use protein bars with collagen in them is simply because these protein-rich bars are packed full of hyaluronic acid, as well as elastin protein and a whole host of other important issues.3
You see, if you have any amount of damaged collagen protein in your body then the natural processes that occur within your body will slow down, allowing your muscles to become less firm over time. This is known as the build-up of fibrotic tissue. Collagen and elastin protein are what make your skin, your muscles, and your ligaments solid. Without these proteins your skin will sag, your muscles will become lazy and lifeless and your ligaments will become weaker. One of the reasons why you should use a high-quality collagen protein bar is because this type of protein will repair all of this damage.
Another great thing about these Bulletproof protein bars is that they contain a variety of different kinds of whey protein. These whey proteins are made exclusively for consumption by athletes and bodybuilders so that they can recover quickly and get back into action as soon as possible. There are a massive amount of beneficial nutrients contained in these protein bars for you to take advantage of. By taking them regularly you’ll be able to repair the damage caused by the everyday stresses that you face.
How Are Collagen Protein Bars Healthy?
Are collagen protein bars healthy? This is a question asked by many people, as they continue to search for products and healthy options. You know how the old saying goes – “You are what you eat.” If we take care of our bodies on a daily basis, we will stay young and healthy. With food today filled with preservatives and unhealthy fats, it’s no surprise that so many people are overweight or obese, and have decreased amounts of collagen in their skin.4
The problem lies with what we put into our mouths; most people are consuming so many unhealthy preservatives that these types of products should not be in our diets. If you’re looking for healthy options to get your body back into shape, then protein bars with collagen are a great place to start. These are foods that can help your body absorb nutrients better, as well as helping build muscle and help you lose weight.5
Collagen protein bars are definitely going to be beneficial to your health and will help keep you healthy. But to get the best results, make sure to combine this with other effective habits. For example, getting enough sleep every night, as well as exercising regularly, will both have an effect on how your body looks and will also help you feel good about yourself. Getting back into shape with collagen protein bars and other healthy options may seem difficult at first, but if you stick with it and make the right changes, then you’ll find yourself looking and feeling great.6
What is Collagen?
If you are interested in learning what collagen is, you may already have an interest in anti-aging treatments. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that is found throughout your body and your skin. However, collagen is only produced in sufficient quantities by your skin cells, which make up about seventy percent of your total body protein. The rest is made up of your body’s cells from a mixture of other proteins called elastin and collagen.7
The most common cosmetic use for collagen is in anti-aging facial creams and lotions. As you age, the number of collagen fibers available to your skin decreases, which results in wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, and other signs of aging. Collagen plays a fundamental role in keeping your skin firm and supple; it prevents the breakdown of the fibers by facilitating the transport of fluids between the deeper layers of the dermis and the surface. Thus, increased collagen levels are an important element in keeping wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging at bay.8
In addition to its cosmetic use, collagen is an integral part of the body’s structure. Most skin elasticity comes from collagen, and you can see the effects on your skin when collagen is used to replace elastic fibers in injured or otherwise damaged areas of the body (such as arthritis). There are at least sixteen different types of collagen available to cosmetic manufacturers, so you may be spending a lot of money on collagen products without knowing what you are actually buying. It is important to learn what collagen is before you buy a collagen product.
What Are the Benefits of Collagen?
What are the benefits of collagen? How has it made a difference in your life? Are there any adverse effects of collagen? If you want to know more about these questions then read further as this article will enlighten you on the subject.
Collagen is a fibrous protein that is found in connective tissues and in the outer layers of the skin, tendons, and bones. It is present in small quantities in our body and when we get older, the quantity of collagen in our body decreases gradually. Our skin and collagen absorb moisture and heat; as a result, the elasticity of the skin and the collagen fibers get damaged and as a result of this the skin loses its suppleness and becomes wrinkled. In this process, skin loses its youthful appearance and starts looking old.9
There are many kinds of collagen benefits. First, if you have been injured or strained, the skin will be very tight and dry and this can lead to the formation of cracks, painful inflammations, and redness. Collagen helps to keep the skin soft, supple, and moist which helps in healing faster and relieving pain.10 As a result, you can avoid injuries and pains and regain vigor and strength quickly.
It has also been proved that collagen acts as a lubricant and emulsifier and people may find it hard to walk and move after some time. The elasticity of the joints and muscles is lessened due to injuries and strains. The elasticity keeps the muscles fluid, reduces the spasm and the pain becomes reduced. Another benefit of collagen is seen in the case of Lachman. Lachman is an abnormal growth that forms in the joint spaces between bones and muscles and occurs mostly after some injuries and accidents. However, with the help of collagen, it can grow and form into normal tissues.11
If we take into account the nails, then we can see that the skin on the nail too benefits a lot from collagen. It becomes stronger and becomes less susceptible to damage as a result of everyday wear and tear. The collagen that is present in the nails makes it easy for the skin on the nail to breathe and hence, keeps the skin cool and fresh. It also allows the skin to move without much pain and restriction.
All these functions of collagen help to make the skin more healthy. Thus, you can see that collagen is definitely beneficial and it makes sense to take a collagen supplement along with your daily diet. The best part about taking a collagen supplement is that you don’t need to consume it directly by consuming foods rich in it. You can directly intake collagen through a capsule, a tablet, or even a liquid supplement.
Image Credits
Trend Hunter / 2021
Tiendmania / Google Stock Images
Canadian Living / Google Stock Images
Iconic Skin Clinic / Google Stock Images
Mitomo Europe / Google Stock Images
1 “Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin – Mayo Clinic.” https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/skin-care/art-20048237 Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
2 “5 ways to improve skin health – Medical News Today.” 14 Nov. 2017, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320071 Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
3 “Vanilla Shortbread Collagen Protein Bar, 12pk – Bulletproof Shop.” https://shop.bulletproof.com/products/collagen-protein-bar-vanilla-shortbread-12-pack Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
4 “The Health Benefits of Collagen Protein – Muscle Up Bars.” 13 Mar. 2019, https://muscleupbars.com/blogs/news/the-health-benefits-of-collagen-protein Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
5 “The 10 Best Collagen Snacks to Try in 2021 | The Manual.” 18 Dec. 2020, https://www.themanual.com/food-and-drink/best-collagen-snacks/ Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
6 “Foods With Added Collagen: Do We Really Need Them? – HuffPost.” 17 Aug. 2018, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/collagen-food_n_5b72e39ee4b0bdd0620cfb24 Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
7 “Collagen — What Is It and What Is It Good For? – Healthline.” 5 May. 2020, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/collagen Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
8 “Health Benefits of Collagen: Pros and Cons, Nutrition, and More.” 26 Oct. 2020, https://www.webmd.com/diet/collagen-health-benefits Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
9 “Health Benefits of Collagen: Pros and Cons, Nutrition, and More.” 26 Oct. 2020, https://www.webmd.com/diet/collagen-health-benefits Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
10 “Top 6 Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements – Healthline.” 19 Feb. 2020, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/collagen-benefits Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.
11 “Collagen — What Is It and What Is It Good For? – Healthline.” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/collagen Accessed 8 Oct. 2021.