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There has been a lot of discussion over whether hemp protein bars are superior to their non-hemp counterparts, such as pea protein bars. People have different opinions on this subject, and some say that they’re the same, whereas others say that they are not.
There really aren’t any real major differences between the two, but there are some advantages and disadvantages of both.
As far as protein goes, they are pretty much identical. These two types of protein bars contain all of the essential amino acids, including the protein amino acids. They contain everything your body needs, and come in flavors that most people like. Just make sure that you read the ingredients on the label before you buy to ensure that the hemp protein or pea protein is pure and trusted.
Pea Protein in Protein Bars
Pea protein has become a popular fast favorite for health-conscious individuals and gym-goers alike. Not only is it organic and lactose-free, but also it’s been shown to be exceptionally effective for your heart, kidneys, and waistline as well! 1
If you’re having trouble finding the ideal protein supplement that you can trust, you should definitely give pea protein a try.
What is Pea Protein in Protein Bars?
Pea protein has recently been shown to increase the amount of lean muscle mass a person can build in a matter of days, and many people have used it to get toned up in record time! However, like many other types of protein powders, some brands tend to have less impressive effects, so you’ll have to read the labels carefully to be sure that what you buy has the highest amounts of amino acids available.
The best type of product will be one that contains a mix of many different types of amino acids, and this is what many people prefer. Whatever you choose though, the important thing to remember is that you should always look for the types that are most effective, so that you can achieve the results that you want.
The Benefits of Pea Protein in Protein Bars
One of the most important benefits of pea protein that is found in protein bars is the high level of amino acids they offer. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and each gram of protein has nineteen different amino acids. Most types of protein are either a mixture of these or have one percent of amino acids but only pea protein in a protein bar has an even balance of these types of amino acids, which is why it’s considered the superior protein. The amino acids that pea protein contains are called branched-chain amino acids, or BCAA’s, which are essential nutrients that aid in muscle metabolism. 2
Another of the many benefits of pea protein in protein bars is that they are a good source of calcium. We need this type of calcium in our bodies for a variety of reasons, but some of the benefits of pea protein in protein bars include the fact that they have a high level of calcium in them. This is important because our bodies are constantly losing bones and we need an adequate source to help repair them. You can get calcium from either vegetables or dairy products, but either way, these sources are not as effective as a protein bar that includes pea protein according to WebMD. 3
Hemp Protein Bars
What are hemp protein bars? Many people today are looking to consume more natural, organic products and the only way to do so safely and naturally is by using these healthy hemp protein bars. There are many benefits of hemp protein bars that make them such a good choice for individuals looking to increase the amount of protein in their diet. 4 From weight loss to improved eyesight, from joint pain to allergies, from cholesterol to muscle mass, hemp protein bars have many health benefits.
Not only do they taste great, but they are good for you. They are full of nutrients that your body needs to function properly and efficiently. These products are safe for you to use in any form, including dietary supplements. If you have ever wondered what are hemp protein bars, then you may want to consider trying one today to find out!
What Makes Hemp Protein Better Than Other Sources?
What makes hemp protein better than other sources? This question has been asked by many people interested in including hemp protein bars in their diet and lifestyle due to the recent popularity of hemp-based products. The fact is, there are many different types of protein that can be included in the diet and each of them has its own benefits, some good and some bad.
When it comes to the health benefits of protein, the most outstanding ones are the ones that come from plant sources. Hemp protein bars are unlike any other source and because of this, they are one of the best options available to individuals who are interested in increasing their protein intake without sacrificing anything else. 5
Hemp protein bars are sometimes better than other forms and additionally can be purchased from a variety of different locations. This means that no matter where you live, there should be a place close by that sells the type of protein supplement that you are looking for.
The Benefits of Hemp Protein Bars
Hemp protein powder is probably one of the most popular dietary supplements out there, especially with athletes and people trying to add lean muscle mass to their bodies. Hemp protein has always been touted as one of the top and most complete sources of natural protein available on the market today.
Unlike casein and whey, hemp protein doesn’t contain any lactose or other sugar forms, which makes it much more ideal for people on a whey diet, or other high-protein diets. Hemp protein has also been compared to red meat in regards to protein quality, as it contains almost nine essential amino acids, which compared to other sources of protein will boost an individual’s total daily intake significantly. Doctor Andrew Weil states that on top of those benefits, hemp protein and hemp seeds are incredible sources of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids, which are vital to our bodies’ health. 6
The first benefit of hemp protein bars that immediately spring to mind is the fact that they are organic, which means that the ingredients used to create them are all-natural and free from chemicals and toxins. In addition to being natural, the products made from hemp are also completely safe for anyone to consume without worrying about negative side effects or other unwanted occurrences. This is due to the fact that they are grown using an environmental-friendly method and with organic farming, these products are guaranteed to not only be safe for consumption but to also be healthy and of high quality.
Another thing that makes hemp protein bars superior to other sources is that they can be digested easily by the body, which means that not only are they great for those trying to get a high protein level in order to build muscle, but they can also be a great option for those who need to lose weight. If you’re someone who lacks a lot of fiber, hemp protein may help you in increasing your healthy weight, as it’s a rich source of fiber. Although it doesn’t contain any dairy products or fats, it can still be beneficial to keep a balanced diet and to eat a variety of different foods.
Image Credits
India Mart / No Date
Roobar / 2021
Nutiva / February 2018
1 “Pea Protein Powder: Nutrition, Benefits and Side Effects – Healthline.” Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.
2 “BCAAs: Health Benefits, Uses, Safety Information, Dosage, and More.” 7 Nov. 2020, Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.
3 “Branch-Chain Amino Acids: Uses and Risks – WebMD.” 25 Aug. 2020, Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.
4 “Hemp Protein Powder: The Best Plant-Based Protein? – Healthline.” Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.
5 “Hemp Powder: Here’s Why It’s The Future of Protein.” 25 Jul. 2019, Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.
6 “How Healthy is Hemp? | Food Safety | Andrew Weil, M.D. – Dr. Weil.” Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.